Fatima Jahan Ena is a member of the Editorial team.
The systemic barriers that hinder girls’ pursuit of education have continued to remain deeply ingrained in our society.
Given the lax nature of Bangladesh’s legal enforcement measures, traffickers can easily coerce victims into signing forged documents
The public reception up until now begets the question: did we dismiss the efforts of the students too easily?
Navigating motherhood amidst academics poses immense challenges, demanding resilience and support.
What Blue Eye Samurai excels at is elevating common archetypes and plotlines with high levels of finesse.
The Sustainability Rankings compiled the world’s universities that are leading the way in social and environmental sustainability.
There are some factors to consider when opting for a Master’s degree as opposed to going headfirst into the workforce.
Here are some animated horror movies you can opt for if you’re not in the mood for chainsaws and summoning demons.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” — the one question that plagued our childhoods. Somewhere along the line, the answers changed from becoming an astronaut to becoming a doctor who does charity work on the side to even more elaborate, albeit comparatively tamer, plans of where to study for university and picking out a major that has lesser odds of resulting in unemployment.
The onset of Eid-ul-Azha brings forth a season filled with excitement, merriment, respect, and charity. Family members and friends alike come out and enjoy the festivities (mainly the food) and with it begins the waves of social events and dawats.
Growing up, I've been privileged enough to have had the opportunity to travel to many exotic places. The city streets bursting with creatures from all walks of life in Thailand, the tranquil hillsides of Nepal, the haunting frozen foods aisle of a Walmart at 3am in Nowhere, Florida.