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Book recommendations on post-independence history of Bangladesh

Collage: Abir Hossain

The Quota Reform Movement has brought one very crucial shift amongst other changes. It has made a majority of our generation politically conscious. They have started taking a keen interest in Bangladesh's political history. Here's a list of books that might help you get started on the political climate of Bangladesh after 1971.

Bela Obela by Mohiuddin Ahmad

This book deals with the time of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the Prime Minister and President of Bangladesh from 1972 to 1975. It accounts for the turbulent political climate at that time, the formation of the Rokkhi Bahini and Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League (BAKSHAL) amongst other events. It also includes interviews of significant characters from that point in history and gives a wide outlook on a newborn Bangladesh.

Tinti Shena Obhyuthhan O Kichu Na Bola Kotha by Lt Col (retd) MA Hamid

Following 1972-75, Bangladeshi political history can be characterised by three consecutive military coups. The first one was on August 15 when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his entire family were heinously murdered. It was followed by two other coups on November 3 and November 7, which resulted in a dramatic transition of power. The story of all three coups from an insider's point of view is well documented in this book.

Shadhinota Uttor Tragedy: Mujib Theke Zia by Shahadat Hossain Khan

This book summarises the entire history from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's rule to Ziaur Rahman's death by another military coup in 1981, and the history in between. It is a good choice for readers who want an overall gist of the two presidential assassinations and the conspiracies involved.

Bangaldesher Chhatro Andoloner Itihash: Ershad Er Shomoykal by Dr Mohammad Hannan

Dr Mohammad Hannan has other versions of the history of the students' movement in Bangladesh. But after reading about Bangabandhu and Zia's period, an overall idea of the Ershad regime can be perceived from this book. It accounts for significant events during the Ershad regime and how the students' movement helped remove him from power.

Jashoder Utthan Poton: Osthir Somoyer Rajniti by Mohiuddin Ahmad

Perhaps the most famous of Mohiuddin Ahmed's career, the book deals with the history of Jashod, the main opposition party after independence, their downfall, and their role in shaping the country's future. It is a must-read to understand the history of communism in Bangladesh and how one of the most wildly popular political parties of the country reached its downfall as power changed hands.


Book recommendations on post-independence history of Bangladesh

Collage: Abir Hossain

The Quota Reform Movement has brought one very crucial shift amongst other changes. It has made a majority of our generation politically conscious. They have started taking a keen interest in Bangladesh's political history. Here's a list of books that might help you get started on the political climate of Bangladesh after 1971.

Bela Obela by Mohiuddin Ahmad

This book deals with the time of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman as the Prime Minister and President of Bangladesh from 1972 to 1975. It accounts for the turbulent political climate at that time, the formation of the Rokkhi Bahini and Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League (BAKSHAL) amongst other events. It also includes interviews of significant characters from that point in history and gives a wide outlook on a newborn Bangladesh.

Tinti Shena Obhyuthhan O Kichu Na Bola Kotha by Lt Col (retd) MA Hamid

Following 1972-75, Bangladeshi political history can be characterised by three consecutive military coups. The first one was on August 15 when Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his entire family were heinously murdered. It was followed by two other coups on November 3 and November 7, which resulted in a dramatic transition of power. The story of all three coups from an insider's point of view is well documented in this book.

Shadhinota Uttor Tragedy: Mujib Theke Zia by Shahadat Hossain Khan

This book summarises the entire history from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's rule to Ziaur Rahman's death by another military coup in 1981, and the history in between. It is a good choice for readers who want an overall gist of the two presidential assassinations and the conspiracies involved.

Bangaldesher Chhatro Andoloner Itihash: Ershad Er Shomoykal by Dr Mohammad Hannan

Dr Mohammad Hannan has other versions of the history of the students' movement in Bangladesh. But after reading about Bangabandhu and Zia's period, an overall idea of the Ershad regime can be perceived from this book. It accounts for significant events during the Ershad regime and how the students' movement helped remove him from power.

Jashoder Utthan Poton: Osthir Somoyer Rajniti by Mohiuddin Ahmad

Perhaps the most famous of Mohiuddin Ahmed's career, the book deals with the history of Jashod, the main opposition party after independence, their downfall, and their role in shaping the country's future. It is a must-read to understand the history of communism in Bangladesh and how one of the most wildly popular political parties of the country reached its downfall as power changed hands.


ধৈর্যের বাঁধ ভেঙে ফেললে নতুন আরেকটি বিপ্লব আপনাদের দেখতে হবে: সারজিস

তিনি বলেন, এদেশের ছাত্র জনতা সঠিক বাংলাদেশ নির্মাণে সামনের দিকে এগিয়ে যাওয়ার জন্য ধৈর্য ধরেছে। ধৈর্যের একটা বাঁধ আছে। দেশের প্রশাসন থেকে শুরু করে তারা যদি আমাদের ধৈর্যের বাঁধ ভেঙে ফেলে তাহলে এই...
