Cherchesov's #MoustacheOfHope | The Daily Star
12:00 AM, June 07, 2018 / LAST MODIFIED: 12:00 AM, June 07, 2018

Cherchesov's #MoustacheOfHope

A Russian television host has launched a campaign to support the national team at the upcoming World Cup by urging supporters to sport a moustache akin to coach Stanislav Cherchesov's. In just a few hours, Instagram was loaded with thousands of posts under the ' усынадежды' hashtag, which translates to 'moustache of hope'. Cherchesov is renowned for his signature facial hair and, has been made the face of the campaign. The original post, which claims everything is against Cherchesov including "forecasts, weather, the laws of physics, the anatomy of some football players and simple logic as well!", has been liked over 40k times. Some Russians have been sharing photos of their genuine moustaches, while others have photoshopped or used filters to get their facial hair game on.

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