1 Minute Please

1 Minute Please

1 minute please

Mithila Rashid is an actor, a Programme Manager, Education at BRAC International and a mother. She is often in news for the amazing roles that she plays on television. However, very recently, she made the columns for earning a 4.00 (CGPA) and a gold medal, after completing her Masters in Early Childhood Development. Mithila takes out a few minutes to speak to the Star Weekend.

7y ago

1 Minute Please!

All the world's a stage. That's the motto of every good actor; versatile actor Ziaul Faruq Apurba, popularly known as Apurba is

7y ago

1 Minutes Please

Shoumik Ahmed – a young actor – has captured the hearts of many in Bangladesh, thanks to his vibrant personality on TV and social media alike.

7y ago

1 Minute Please!

Minar Rahman, popularly known as Minar, is one of today's youth favourite lyricists, composers and singers. His famous tracks like

7y ago

1 Minute Please!

Books, Portable music player with unlimited batteries and music.

8y ago

1 Minute Please

It is very difficult to remember the exact date but I remember being very young. I was perhaps in grade 6-7 when I first got on stage.

8y ago

1 Minute Please

I have started my career with the Banglalink TVC Call Drop and Alpenliebe Juzt Jelly.

8y ago

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Rahul Anand is a composer, lyricist and vocals for the eccentric musical group Joler Gaan. He also plays a number of unconventional

8y ago

1 Minute Please

The three thing would be Scarlett Johansson, Candice Swanepoel and Natalie Portman. They would do just fine for me in the deserted island.

9y ago

1 Minute Please

Sanjida Preeti is one of the most popular young models and award winning television actors in Bangladeshi entertainment, having created her base in theatre.

9y ago

1 Minute Please

Amit Chowdhury has proved himself to be a prominent Bharatanatyam dancer of our country.

9y ago

1 Minute Please

Nazia Haque Orsha is a household name when it comes to television series' and dedicated work.

9y ago

1 Minute Please

My passport (I want to always have the option to fly off), my phone (for very practical and not so practical (facebook) purposes) and my car.

9y ago

1 Minute Please!

Arafat Kirty, one of the brothers who run the well known Studio 58, is the creator of some of the jingles and telefilm sound tracks that

9y ago

1 Minute Please

I faced the camera for the first time when I was only two and a half years old! I do not remember anything, but my mother says that I had delivered a memorised script. The super brain of the child indeed!

9y ago


Rahat Rahman is the man behind the camera – the storyteller and the director. An established ad-filmmaker, Rahat recently made a name for himself with his telefilm Monkey Business. As the name would suggest, the film was a jumble of unique characters, bizarre

9y ago


Sabnam Faria is a household name today, thanks to her chirpy nature and trendy looks. She was first noticed on @18, a telefilm that attracted the youth back in 2013. Later on, Faria began working in ad-films, along with becoming a regular on television.

9y ago


Maria Nur has proved herself to be a multitalented young woman, recently in present-day television media. Starting off as a Radio Jockey for a radio station in Dhaka, her easy going nature, inquisitive personality, courage and hard work have shot her to fame within a short

9y ago