Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

Early signs of heart attack: What every Bangladeshi should know

Did you know that according to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), in 2022, 17.45 per cent of the deaths in Bangladesh were attributed to heart attacks? The abrupt cutting off of blood flow to the heart muscle causes a heart attack.

2h ago

Why hit the gym when you can dance? Zumba takes over Bangladesh

Imagine entering a room where vibrant Latin beats, Bollywood tunes, and Arabic rhythms create an electrifying atmosphere. As the music plays, the space transforms into a dynamic dance floor. This is not just any dance party, it’s a Zumba class! An exercise increasingly gaining popularity across Bangladesh.

23h ago

Free classes, no flexibility required! A banker’s unlikely yoga mission

As the soft rays of the sun peek through the trees at Dhanmondi Lake, a group of women spread their yoga mats. Md Rokanuzzaman Tutul, their instructor, fusses over the arrangement of mats, ensuring ample space is available for effective movement. This is the usual scenario you may encounter if you happen to visit Dhanmondi Lake on a fine morning.

1w ago

Feeling flu-ish? These foods will have you back on your feet in no time

A weakened immune system makes you more susceptible to colds and the flu, but with the right habits and dietary choices, you can bolster your defence. Adequate rest, reduced stress, and healthy meals play a crucial role in recovery.

2w ago

Dhaka Flow’s grand opening: Finally, a place to heal your mind, body, and spirit

Dhaka Flow inaugurated its Health & Healing Studio on 7 September, 2024, in Banani, through a lively event, introducing a new hub for wellness that aims to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of its visitors.

3w ago

Eat, sleep, move, repeat: The lazy person’s guide to cardiac health

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of changing your lifestyle drastically for the sake of your cardiac health. However, the path to improved cardiac wellbeing is often made up of tiny, consistent steps.

1m ago

Reiki: The ancient art of waving away your worries

The roots of Reiki trace back to Japan, but its branches have spread worldwide, touching the lives of many seeking holistic wellness.

1m ago

Youth wellbeing: More than just a trendy hashtag

Physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are inextricably linked. To empower our youth with the knowledge and skills needed to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, a systems approach must be adopted.

1m ago

Diet and nutrition for Hepatitis: Foods to eat and avoid when you have a liver problem

There are many confusions and misconceptions surrounding the ideal diet of a person suffering from liver diseases. The diet of a person effected by liver disease like hepatitis and liver cirrhosis must be balanced yet nutritious as it is a part of treatment therapy.

2y ago

Children play more when they have fewer toys

In an age of hyper-consumerism, it is easy to get carried away buying too much of everything. If you are a parent, your child’s sweet requests often also have a part to play in filling the toy basket much more than intended at the monthly supermarket run. However, offering children fewer toys, rather than spoiling them for choice, has definitive benefits in the long run.

2y ago

How to improve brain function?

Long-COVID brain fog, mum brain or work burnout — there are quite a few reasons in today’s world that can bring intelligence levels to a drop. If left in that state, the mind, just like a person, can become lethargic and unwilling to get back to its original sheen. For a growth-oriented individual, low smarts could also mean a slowdown in their career. Fortunately, there are a number of ways one can constantly challenge their mind and keep it alert and focused.

2y ago

Purpose of yoga as explained by the Sutras of Patanjali

There are many wisdom traditions and spiritual maps to help you journey inwards. Yoga is one of these. Vedic scholars in ancient India spent many years in meditation to intuit this knowledge. Buddha studied with many of these teachers before his awakening. The knowledge was passed down orally till they were most accurately transcribed in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. For this article, I am drawing from a fabulously accessible version translated by Alistair Shearer.

2y ago

Never had COVID? Curious Case of NOVIDS

Have you considered yourself a Novid? If you do not know what the term means, it refers to someone who has never had COVID-19, special or just blessed with plain luck. Experts and researchers alike are trying to decipher the phenomena. In a post-pandemic world, almost everyone you know has been infected at some point. However, we all know someone who says they have never had it. A good amount of data indicates that millions who believe they never had COVID were infected by it but didn't get tested due to no symptoms or simply thought they had regular flu or allergies.

2y ago

Can you overcome rejection?

It is always difficult when someone turns you down and says ‘no.’ Be it a personal favour or a business pitch, it can be hard swallowing rejection. Sometimes, it is because we fear being rejected because of internal shame or embarrassment, or because of the way we were brought up, we sabotage our own relationships and opportunities which would be good for us. So, to learn how you can accept rejection, it might be worth trying to understand why you fear rejection in the first place.

2y ago

How to make the most of guava season

It is no secret that the reigning royalty of summer fruits includes mangoes, lychees, pineapples, various berries, guavas, etc. And while we have said goodbye to most of these fruits as the season comes to an end, guavas are just about coming to a peak. Here are 8 ways to make the most out of this guava season while they are still in the market!

2y ago

Is napping harmful now?

After studying 60,686 individuals who provided information on their napping habits four times between 2006 and 2019, the researchers have come to the conclusion that individuals who napped frequently have a 12 percent higher chance of developing high blood pressure and a 24 percent higher chance of having a stroke as opposed to people who never nap.

2y ago

Ways to shed pounds after 40

It might be difficult to lose weight after the age of 40. Slowing metabolism and a decrease in daily physical activity can lead to weight gain if these biological changes are not matched with a corresponding reduction in dietary calories. Still, shedding pounds after age 40 is not a hopeless endeavour. Here are a few ways to tackle mid-life weight loss.

2y ago

Self-care to help with mum burnout

Mothers nowadays are trying to do it all — work and parenting — with a schedule that seems to get busier every day. With sleepless nights, an early work routine, pumping schedules, school events, work deadlines, and the need to provide quality time to children, mothers have their hands (and arms and legs) full. Mental and physical exhaustion, also known as mum burnout, can lead to dire consequences not just for them, but for children too

2y ago