Crime & Justice

Unprofessional conduct with Pori Moni: Probe body formed to investigate allegations against ADC Shithil

Golam Saklain Shithil. Photo: collected

The police headquarters has formed a three-member probe body to investigate Additional Deputy Commissioner (DB Gulshan Division) Golam Saklain Shithil's alleged unprofessional conduct with actress Pori Moni.

Sohel Rana, assistant inspector general of police (media), confirmed the development to The Daily Star tonight.

The three-member committee is headed by Mia Masud Karim, additional deputy inspector general of police (training). Hamida Parvin, deputy commissioner of DMP's Women Support and Investigation Centre, and Rumana Akhter, special superintendent (forensic) of CID comprise the other two members of the probe body.

Earlier yesterday, ADC Shithil was withdrawn from the Dhaka Metropolitan Police's Detective Branch following the allegations of unprofessional conduct with actress Pori Moni.

Several media outlets reported that ADC Shithil had engaged in unprofessional conduct with Pori Moni while supervising a case filed by her in June.

In the case, she accused five persons, including Nasir U Mahmud, former president of Uttara Club Limited.


Unprofessional conduct with Pori Moni: Probe body formed to investigate allegations against ADC Shithil

Golam Saklain Shithil. Photo: collected

The police headquarters has formed a three-member probe body to investigate Additional Deputy Commissioner (DB Gulshan Division) Golam Saklain Shithil's alleged unprofessional conduct with actress Pori Moni.

Sohel Rana, assistant inspector general of police (media), confirmed the development to The Daily Star tonight.

The three-member committee is headed by Mia Masud Karim, additional deputy inspector general of police (training). Hamida Parvin, deputy commissioner of DMP's Women Support and Investigation Centre, and Rumana Akhter, special superintendent (forensic) of CID comprise the other two members of the probe body.

Earlier yesterday, ADC Shithil was withdrawn from the Dhaka Metropolitan Police's Detective Branch following the allegations of unprofessional conduct with actress Pori Moni.

Several media outlets reported that ADC Shithil had engaged in unprofessional conduct with Pori Moni while supervising a case filed by her in June.

In the case, she accused five persons, including Nasir U Mahmud, former president of Uttara Club Limited.


নরসিংদীর শিবপুর উপজেলা স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দলের সদস্য সচিব জজ মিয়া। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

আ. লীগ নেতাকে ছাড়িয়ে নিতে পুলিশকে মারধর, স্বেচ্ছাসেবক দল নেতা আটক

স্থানীয় বাসিন্দা ও পুলিশের সদস্যরা জানান, আটক জজ মিয়া একজন পেশাদার সন্ত্রাসী।
