Single entrance exam for university admission from next year: Dipu Moni

Education Minister Dipu Moni said the university admission process will be completed by creating a national merit list after holding a single entrance exam from next year.
"We have noticed some limitations with the ongoing cluster approach in university admission," she said.
Dipu Moni said this while addressing reporters while inaugurating the Science Fair of the National University at Daulatpur College in Kushtia, reports our local correspondent.
The cluster method admission test was introduced in 2021-22 academic year after bringing 32 public universities under it to enrol students on the basis of a merit list.
Replying to a question about ragging at educational institutions, Dipu Moni said it is a social menace and coordinated efforts are needed to prevent it.
She also sought cooperation from the media to address the social problem.
Local lawmaker AKM Sarwar Jahan Badshah and NU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Mashiur Rahman, among others, attended the event.
A total of 18 science colleges participated in the fair this year.