City Corporations

CEOs now in charge of cities

LGD empowers them with full admin, financial power

The interim government yesterday decided to give chief executive officers (CEO) full administrative and financial power to run the city corporations where mayors and panel mayors are absent.

In an office order, the Local Government Division said many mayors and panel mayors have been absent due to the existing circumstances. The LGD tried to communicate with them but to no avail.

Due to their absence, works and services remain halted. So, the decision was taken for the sake of people's interest and to continue services as well as administrative works, said the order, signed by Abu Hena Morshed Zaman, secretary to the LGD. It came into effect yesterday.

There are 12 city corporations -- Dhaka south, Dhaka north, Khulna, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Barishal, Cumilla, Sylhet, Narayanganj, Gazipur and Mymensingh.

According to sources, several mayors including Dhaka north and south, Chattogram, Khulna, Barishal, Mymensingh and Cumilla were absent from their offices since the ouster of Awami League government on August 5.

All the absentee mayors were elected with AL support. This is the first time such a decision was taken in the country.


City Corporations

CEOs now in charge of cities

LGD empowers them with full admin, financial power

The interim government yesterday decided to give chief executive officers (CEO) full administrative and financial power to run the city corporations where mayors and panel mayors are absent.

In an office order, the Local Government Division said many mayors and panel mayors have been absent due to the existing circumstances. The LGD tried to communicate with them but to no avail.

Due to their absence, works and services remain halted. So, the decision was taken for the sake of people's interest and to continue services as well as administrative works, said the order, signed by Abu Hena Morshed Zaman, secretary to the LGD. It came into effect yesterday.

There are 12 city corporations -- Dhaka south, Dhaka north, Khulna, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Barishal, Cumilla, Sylhet, Narayanganj, Gazipur and Mymensingh.

According to sources, several mayors including Dhaka north and south, Chattogram, Khulna, Barishal, Mymensingh and Cumilla were absent from their offices since the ouster of Awami League government on August 5.

All the absentee mayors were elected with AL support. This is the first time such a decision was taken in the country.


র‍্যাব-এনটিএমসি বিলুপ্ত ও বিজিবি-ডিজিএফআইয়ের কর্মকাণ্ড সীমিত করার সুপারিশ

আজ বুধবার জুলাই অভ্যুত্থানের সঙ্গে সম্পর্কিত মানবাধিকার লঙ্ঘন ও নির্যাতন সংক্রান্ত ফ্যাক্ট-ফাইন্ডিং প্রতিবেদনে এসব কথা বলা হয়েছে। সেই সঙ্গে বেশ কিছু সুপারিশও করেছে জাতিসংঘের মানবাধিকার কার্যালয়।

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