
Babar now a free man after 17 years in jail

Lutfozzaman Babar, former state minister for home affairs under the BNP-Jamaat alliance government, walked out of Dhaka Central Jail in Keraniganj yesterday after spending 17 years in prison.

Babar's brother-in-law, Shadat Rahman, told The Daily Star that Babar walked out of the jail around 1:45pm.

He was welcomed with flowers and garlands by family members and supporters who had gathered outside the jail.

Earlier, on Tuesday, Babar was acquitted of the life sentence in the high-profile 10-truck arms smuggling case in Chattogram.

In the early hours of May 28, 2007, joint forces conducted a raid on Babar's Gulshan residence and recovered four firearms -- a shotgun, a .22 bore rifle, a pistol, and a Brazilian revolver -- two magazines and 297 bullets in a red-black coloured bag.

Later, he was arrested and sued over the illegal possession of firearms. After the trial, he was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment on October 30 of the same year.

On October 12, 2021, Special Judge's Court-7 in Dhaka sentenced Babar to eight years in jail in a case filed for amassing Tk 7.5 crore illegally.

On January 13, 2008, the Anti-Corruption Commission filed the case against him.

On August 6, 2014, Babar was indicted in a case filed against him for dodging Tk 2.65 crore income tax between the 1999-2000 and 2008-09 fiscal years. The case is now pending with the Special Judge's Court-5 of Dhaka.

On October 10, 2018, Babar was given the death penalty in the August 21 grenade attack cases filed in 2004.

On January 30, 2014, Babar was sentenced to death in connection with two cases filed over the 10-truck arms cases.

On October 4, 2007, the ACC filed a bribery case involving the murder of Bashundhara Group Director Humayun Kabir Sabbir, accusing six people, including Babar.

The case is now pending with the Special Judge's Court-3 in Dhaka.

Babar is also an accused in four cases filed for the murder of former finance minister Shah AMS Kibria and the murder attempt on former minister Suranjit Sen Gupta in Sylhet.


Babar now a free man after 17 years in jail

Lutfozzaman Babar, former state minister for home affairs under the BNP-Jamaat alliance government, walked out of Dhaka Central Jail in Keraniganj yesterday after spending 17 years in prison.

Babar's brother-in-law, Shadat Rahman, told The Daily Star that Babar walked out of the jail around 1:45pm.

He was welcomed with flowers and garlands by family members and supporters who had gathered outside the jail.

Earlier, on Tuesday, Babar was acquitted of the life sentence in the high-profile 10-truck arms smuggling case in Chattogram.

In the early hours of May 28, 2007, joint forces conducted a raid on Babar's Gulshan residence and recovered four firearms -- a shotgun, a .22 bore rifle, a pistol, and a Brazilian revolver -- two magazines and 297 bullets in a red-black coloured bag.

Later, he was arrested and sued over the illegal possession of firearms. After the trial, he was sentenced to 17 years imprisonment on October 30 of the same year.

On October 12, 2021, Special Judge's Court-7 in Dhaka sentenced Babar to eight years in jail in a case filed for amassing Tk 7.5 crore illegally.

On January 13, 2008, the Anti-Corruption Commission filed the case against him.

On August 6, 2014, Babar was indicted in a case filed against him for dodging Tk 2.65 crore income tax between the 1999-2000 and 2008-09 fiscal years. The case is now pending with the Special Judge's Court-5 of Dhaka.

On October 10, 2018, Babar was given the death penalty in the August 21 grenade attack cases filed in 2004.

On January 30, 2014, Babar was sentenced to death in connection with two cases filed over the 10-truck arms cases.

On October 4, 2007, the ACC filed a bribery case involving the murder of Bashundhara Group Director Humayun Kabir Sabbir, accusing six people, including Babar.

The case is now pending with the Special Judge's Court-3 in Dhaka.

Babar is also an accused in four cases filed for the murder of former finance minister Shah AMS Kibria and the murder attempt on former minister Suranjit Sen Gupta in Sylhet.


দ্রুত ন্যূনতম ঐকমত্য, তার ভিত্তিতে অতিদ্রুত নির্বাচনের প্রত্যাশা বিএনপির

বিএনপি মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর বলেছেন, ‘আমরা আশা করব, খুব দ্রুত এই সংস্কারের ন্যূনতম ঐক্যমত্য তৈরি হবে। সেটার ওপর ভিত্তি করে অতিদ্রুত জাতীয় নির্বাচন অনুষ্ঠিত হবে।’

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