BCL forms committees at pvt universities including NSU, BracU, IUB, faces backlash

Bangladesh Chhatra League has reportedly formed committees at country's private universities including North South University, Independent University Bangladesh (IUB), Brac University, American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB), Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), East West University, and many others.
Committees were also formed at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Stamford University, Daffodil International University (DIU), Prime University (PU), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Ishakha International University Bangladesh (IIUB-Kishoreganj), Cox's Bazar International University (CBIU), North Bengal International University (NBIU-Rajshahi), and Varendra University (VU-Rajshahi).
Zahid Hossen Parvez, president of Shammilito Private University unit of BCL, posted several posts from his personal Facebook account regarding the formation of the new committees of the country's private universities undersigned by him and Md Azizul Hakim Samrat, general secretary of Shammilito Private University unit of BCL.
Students of private universities and netizens took to social media and strongly criticised the move after the news went viral on social media.
Expressing fear, some students said that the educational atmosphere at the country's private universities will be destroyed and political clashes will take places in their university just like the public universities which will hamper their education.