US approves $2b arms sales to Taiwan

The US State Department on Friday approved a $2 billion arms sale package for Taiwan including advanced surface-to-air missile systems and radar, a move that could provoke Beijing.

The sale, which awaits approval by Congress, includes several anti-aircraft systems, including NASAMS and 123 missiles totaling $1.16 billion, according to the agency responsible for the sale.

The agency also announced the sale of radar systems to Taiwan worth $828 million.

The equipment will be derived from US Air Force supplies.



US approves $2b arms sales to Taiwan

The US State Department on Friday approved a $2 billion arms sale package for Taiwan including advanced surface-to-air missile systems and radar, a move that could provoke Beijing.

The sale, which awaits approval by Congress, includes several anti-aircraft systems, including NASAMS and 123 missiles totaling $1.16 billion, according to the agency responsible for the sale.

The agency also announced the sale of radar systems to Taiwan worth $828 million.

The equipment will be derived from US Air Force supplies.


মুরগির খাঁচাও এর থেকে বড় হয়, আয়নাঘর পরিদর্শনের পর ড. ইউনূস

আয়নাঘরে বেশ কয়েকটি খুপরি দেখা যায় যেখানে দিনের বেলাতেও আলো প্রবেশ করে না। নেই বাতাস চলাচলেরও কোনো ব্যবস্থা। এরকম একটি আয়নাঘর দেখে তাকে মুরগির খাঁচার সঙ্গে তুলনা করেন প্রধান উপদেষ্টা।

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