A unique iftar with The Italian Kitchen
Set up by two young Italian friends in the heart of Dhaka, Filippo Ferri and Alberto Ruscalla, The Italian Kitchen has one clear goal: "Make Italian food, in its purest form".
For Ramadan, they are offering two iftar combos priced at Tk 1,200 and Tk 1,900. The first combo includes Spezzatino (slow cooked beef stew) and two chocolatey Nutella Space Cake slices plus dates and bread. The second one is ideal for 4 people and includes Dippings, two Lasagna portions, four small salads, dates and Tiramisu.
Order these from FoodPanda, Hungrynaki and Cookups or from their website: www.theitaliankitchen.com.bd or call +8801638 555 999.