
Rangabali Upazila: Fish enclosures at the expense of Darchira

Several fish enclosures have been set up using makeshift fences, bamboo and polythene sheets to prevent flow of water. Some pasture lands on the river bank were also dug to make more enclosures. Photo: Star

Some local influential people in Rangabali upazila of Patuakhali have been setting up fish enclosures grabbing a section of the Darchira river.

The Darchira flows through the upazila to join the Agunmukha river along the Bay of Bengal.

About 1,000 acres of the Darchira river bank have been occupied and fenced for fish enclosures in Char Tozammel, Char Emerson, Char Halim and Char Ganga areas of the upazila, said an employee of the upazila land office, wishing anonymity.

The encroachers have been using excavators to make makeshift dams on the river mouth for restricting water flow and digging earth for constructing the fish enclosures, said locals.

Visiting the river bank areas in Bara Baishdia union recently, this correspondent saw several fish enclosures have been set up using makeshift fences to prevent water from washing away the enclosures during tide. Some pasture lands on the river bank were also seen dug to make more enclosures.

Nuruzzaman, a local resident, said several complaints have been made to the upazila administration in this connection but no step has been taken yet.

Mojibur Rahman, Bellal Gazi, and Riaz Howladar of the area, who are allegedly among those involved in grabbing the river for fish enclosures, claimed that they did so on their own land on the river bank like many others in the area.

Lincoln Bayan, Barishal divisional coordinator of Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, said grabbing the river at its origin to make dams and construct fish enclosures will eventually obstruct its natural flow of water and gradually lead the river to its demise.

Such activities cannot be allowed and the river must be saved at any cost, he added.

Contacted, Rangabali upazila nirbahi officer Mizanur Rahman said several drives have already been conducted to stop the illegal activities.

"Necessary action will be taken against the culprits by identifying them, and the encroached river bank areas will be recovered," he added.


Rangabali Upazila: Fish enclosures at the expense of Darchira

Several fish enclosures have been set up using makeshift fences, bamboo and polythene sheets to prevent flow of water. Some pasture lands on the river bank were also dug to make more enclosures. Photo: Star

Some local influential people in Rangabali upazila of Patuakhali have been setting up fish enclosures grabbing a section of the Darchira river.

The Darchira flows through the upazila to join the Agunmukha river along the Bay of Bengal.

About 1,000 acres of the Darchira river bank have been occupied and fenced for fish enclosures in Char Tozammel, Char Emerson, Char Halim and Char Ganga areas of the upazila, said an employee of the upazila land office, wishing anonymity.

The encroachers have been using excavators to make makeshift dams on the river mouth for restricting water flow and digging earth for constructing the fish enclosures, said locals.

Visiting the river bank areas in Bara Baishdia union recently, this correspondent saw several fish enclosures have been set up using makeshift fences to prevent water from washing away the enclosures during tide. Some pasture lands on the river bank were also seen dug to make more enclosures.

Nuruzzaman, a local resident, said several complaints have been made to the upazila administration in this connection but no step has been taken yet.

Mojibur Rahman, Bellal Gazi, and Riaz Howladar of the area, who are allegedly among those involved in grabbing the river for fish enclosures, claimed that they did so on their own land on the river bank like many others in the area.

Lincoln Bayan, Barishal divisional coordinator of Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, said grabbing the river at its origin to make dams and construct fish enclosures will eventually obstruct its natural flow of water and gradually lead the river to its demise.

Such activities cannot be allowed and the river must be saved at any cost, he added.

Contacted, Rangabali upazila nirbahi officer Mizanur Rahman said several drives have already been conducted to stop the illegal activities.

"Necessary action will be taken against the culprits by identifying them, and the encroached river bank areas will be recovered," he added.


ঢাকা-ইসলামাবাদ সম্পর্ক এগিয়ে নিতে পাকিস্তানকে ১৯৭১ ইস্যু সমাধানের আহ্বান ড. ইউনূসের

মিশরে ডি-৮ শীর্ষ সম্মেলনের ফাঁকে পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী শাহবাজ শরীফের সঙ্গে সাক্ষাতের সময় তিনি এ আহ্বান জানান।

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