Legal Maxim
Nemo tenetur accusare se ipsum nisi coram Deo - No one is bound to accuse himself except in the presence of God.
Nemo tenetur armare adversarium contra se - No one is bound to arm his adversary against himself.
Nihil quod est inconveniens est licitum - Nothing inconvenient is lawful.
Nil facit error nominis cum de corpore constat - An error of name makes not difference when it appears from the body of the instrument.
Non compus mentis - Not of sound mind and understanding
Non constat - It is not certain
Non decipitur qui scit se decipi - He is not deceived who knows that he is deceived.
Non definitur in jure quid sit conatus - What an attempt is, is not defined in law.
Non est arctius vinculum inter homines quam jusjurandum - There is no stronger link among men than an oath.