Published on 12:00 AM, April 24, 2019


1:12 Aoshima Honda CB750F

I am not a bike person. I don't really know how to ride one, I was never very well versed on things on four wheels, plus every ride on a motorbike was an intensely scary experience for me up until about a year ago, when I started using Pathao and Uber Moto. However, a part of me always wanted to indulge in the two wheeled fantasy of riding through an open road, especially with a burbling four cylinder underneath. That made the four cylinder motorbike—more specifically, classic upright Hondas from the late 80s and early 90s—part of a special fantasy.

Unable to ride one, I figured buying a scale model of the ultimate motorbike in my head was the next best option. Presenting, the Honda CB750F—the original universal four cylinder Honda.

Pros: Detail is fantastic. Each exhaust header has a striking appearance, while the candy blue paint makes it stand out from whatever else you have on the shelf. 1:12 size is good too—lets you get right in there and take in its beauty from all angles.

Cons: Not the best chrome you'll see. Most bits like the mirrors and service stand are fiddly and feels fragile.

Verdict: Gorgeous bike, great model. Yours for around 2k. Just don't try to ride it.