Ongoing geopolitical tensions, trade disputes between major economies, climate change-related disruptions, and rapid changes in consumer preferences collectively pose a complex set of issues for the global supply chain, impacting operational efficiency, financial performance, and the ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
The article seeks to explore the readiness of Bangladesh to rein the persisting digital inequalities.
It is now more or less recognized that Bangladesh is one of the world’s fastest-growing and relatively more resilient economies.
Women share over half of the population in Bangladesh. The BBS’s Bangladesh labor force survey, 2022 mentions that the female labor force is only 42.6% in Bangladesh, as against 79.7% of male labor.
Since the middle of the 2000s, the world has witnessed a precipitous decline in democratic countries. After almost three decades of proliferation of democratic governance, described by Samuel Huntington as the Third Wave of democracy, the third reverse wave is sweeping the globe.
Bangladesh is highly susceptible to natural and human-induced disasters due to its geophysical location, land characteristics, and anthropogenic causes.
We are delighted to present to you the final installment of our special five-part supplement series, marking the 33rd anniversary of The Daily Star. This segment delves into the essential ideas necessary to propel Bangladesh forward and prepare it for the next big leap.
Oceans, covering 71% of the planet’s surface and containing 97% of its water, serve as a sanctuary for 2.2 million species.
Which five tasks should be on top of the list of someone appointed as the education tsar of Bangladesh? The question was posed by Dr. Binayak Sen, Director General of Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies in a public discussion about this writer’s recent book Ekush Shotoke Bangladesh -- Shikkhar Rupantor (Bangladesh in the 21st Century – Transformation of Education, published by Prothoma).