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Mark Wahlberg to produce Boston bombing film

Mark Wahlberg is to co-produce and potentially star in a film about the 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon and the city-wide manhunt that followed.

“Patriots' Day” will be based on the first-hand account of Ed Davis, whom Wahlberg may play in the drama.

“There is nothing more compelling than a real story populated by real heroes,” said CBS Films president Terry Press. 

Three people, including an eight-year-old boy, were killed after two pressure cooker bombs detonated in April 2013. A police officer was fatally shot days after the attack, in which more than 260 people were injured.

According to CBS Films, “Patriots' Day” will be “an intense thriller, spanning the five-day search up to the infamous siege... in Watertown (near Boston)”.

20th Century Fox is working on a rival project, entitled “Boston Strong”, about the deadliest terror attack on US soil since 9/11.

Source: BBC



Mark Wahlberg to produce Boston bombing film

Mark Wahlberg is to co-produce and potentially star in a film about the 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon and the city-wide manhunt that followed.

“Patriots' Day” will be based on the first-hand account of Ed Davis, whom Wahlberg may play in the drama.

“There is nothing more compelling than a real story populated by real heroes,” said CBS Films president Terry Press. 

Three people, including an eight-year-old boy, were killed after two pressure cooker bombs detonated in April 2013. A police officer was fatally shot days after the attack, in which more than 260 people were injured.

According to CBS Films, “Patriots' Day” will be “an intense thriller, spanning the five-day search up to the infamous siege... in Watertown (near Boston)”.

20th Century Fox is working on a rival project, entitled “Boston Strong”, about the deadliest terror attack on US soil since 9/11.

Source: BBC



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