Afroja Afrin

Child daycare for only Tk 100 a month

When their daughter Jannatul Mawa was born two and a half years ago, Romana Begum and her husband struggled to make ends meet on their meagre Tk 6,000 monthly income.

1y ago

Neonatal Danger Signs: Are new mothers aware enough?

Although new motherhood is a time of joy and excitement, it can be overwhelming too, especially for mothers who are not equipped with the knowledge needed to identify the signs of life-threatening diseases in their neonates.

1y ago
April 1, 2023
April 1, 2023

Child daycare for only Tk 100 a month

When their daughter Jannatul Mawa was born two and a half years ago, Romana Begum and her husband struggled to make ends meet on their meagre Tk 6,000 monthly income.

February 17, 2023
February 17, 2023

Neonatal Danger Signs: Are new mothers aware enough?

Although new motherhood is a time of joy and excitement, it can be overwhelming too, especially for mothers who are not equipped with the knowledge needed to identify the signs of life-threatening diseases in their neonates.