AKM Abdullah Al-Amin

How agritech solutions can drive smart development

A closer look at the agritech vision reveals how it is highly allied with Bangladesh’s macro-level visions.

1y ago

Russia-Ukraine war a wake-up call for Bangladesh’s agriculture sector

Ukraine and Russia, known as “the breadbasket of Europe”, are the major exporters of the world’s basic foods. Both countries export approximately one-quarter of wheat, more than three-quarters of sunflower oil and one-sixth of corn.

2y ago
February 26, 2023
February 26, 2023

How agritech solutions can drive smart development

A closer look at the agritech vision reveals how it is highly allied with Bangladesh’s macro-level visions.

May 18, 2022
May 18, 2022

Russia-Ukraine war a wake-up call for Bangladesh’s agriculture sector

Ukraine and Russia, known as “the breadbasket of Europe”, are the major exporters of the world’s basic foods. Both countries export approximately one-quarter of wheat, more than three-quarters of sunflower oil and one-sixth of corn.

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