Ashif Ahmed Rudro

Red Meat Roadmap of Bangladesh

Here are some of the most popular and unique red meat dishes that Bangladesh has to offer

1w ago

Let the madness set in: How to watch ICC Men's T20 World Cup?

Before everyone starts rooting for their favourite team, the burning question at the moment is how can you watch the games?

2w ago

Suicide Prevention Helpline “Kaan Pete Roi”: 10 years and counting

Kaan Pete Roi is open every day from 3PM to 3AM. The calls are not recorded and confidentiality is strictly maintained. This is a safe space without judgement and the volunteers are here because they care and want to make a change.

1m ago

Mirpur Beribadh: A soothing escape in Dhaka

Dhaka residents often complain that there is no escape from the loud and congested city.

1m ago

Say thank you before eating! 5 Japanese dining etiquettes will blow your mind

Every country in the world has their own cuisine and their etiquettes defined by their culture. Japan is no different. With their delectable cuisine on the table, it’s hard to focus on something else. Nevertheless, one must not forget about the dining etiquettes.

1m ago

Beyond Nilkhet: Dhaka’s second-hand book markets

The second-hand book market is a buoyant one and there are places in Dhaka, other than Nilkhet, where your desire to buy books meets affordability. With a keen eye and some bargaining skills, it is possible to make a deal at these places.

1m ago

The healthiest diet around: Exploring Japanese cuisine

With an emphasis on unprocessed and fresh food, Japanese food can boast as one of the healthiest dietary choices in the world. Modern Japanese cuisine features all sorts of ingredients.

1m ago

Love road at Mirpur: A youthful street

Certain neighbourhoods in Dhaka have that one spot where people gather to just sit back and relax. For Mirpur, it’s the frequently discussed street referred to as “Love Road”.

1m ago
May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

Top 5 boat tours in Bangladesh you should not miss

Travelling is demanding, but it’s equally addictive and enjoyable. That being said, there are so many ways to travel and so many places to see, it’s quite natural to feel overwhelmed at times. With so many rivers flowing through Bangladesh, there are plenty of naval routes available for travelling. Sometimes, just the boat ride itself can be your objective.

May 16, 2023
May 16, 2023

The ridiculousness of our curiosity: Tourists braving cyclone Mocha for ‘fun’

Cyclone Mocha has been the topic of discussion for the last few days. We all expected to find information about the cyclone all over the news portals and social media, but the news that people are defying ‘great danger signal’ to witness the rough weather and seas was not something I expected. However, maybe it should not come as too big of a surprise.

May 15, 2023
May 15, 2023

Is living in a joint family better?

Family is where we feel safe, family is what we love, and family is what makes a house a home. While every family is unique in its own dynamic, it can still be categorised into two joint family and nuclear family. And along with the category comes the big question, is it better to live in a joint family or a nuclear family?

April 19, 2023
April 19, 2023

Buying new banknotes: An Eid tradition

What’s your earliest memory of Eid as a child? Waking up, taking a bath, saying the Eid prayer, and then collecting your salami from the elders? Surely you remember the salami being in the form of new banknotes? After all these years, new taka for Eid is still a thing. To cater to this need, there is a buoyant market where new banknotes are sold, a makeshift bazaar where new takas are the commodity!

April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023

The evolution of Baishakhi celebrations

As the first day of the Bangla calendar, Pahela Baishakh is celebrated with festivity, enthusiasm, and interest. The Baishakhi celebration is colourful and has become a significant part of our culture, so much so that it has transcended borders. Like all things, Noboborsho too has a history and it has influenced how the event is celebrated

April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023

The beauty of Bangla calligraphy

What comes to mind when you hear the word calligraphy? Probably, the fluid artistic representation of the Arabic alphabets, the oriental delight that is the Chinese script, or English letters in Gothic font with extravagant curves.

April 14, 2023
April 14, 2023

Rich history and tradition of our sweets

Taking a sweet voyage across our country would unveil so many hidden gems within our culinary trove. Starting with the central hub,

March 29, 2023
March 29, 2023

Remembering shaheed Rumi

His name was Shafi Imam Rumi. Born on 29 March, 1951 Rumi was barely 20 years of age in 1971. This larger-than-life character is one of many who embraced martyrdom in their attempt to gift our precious freedom. Rumi had secured third position in the matriculation exam under the national education board in 1968. In 1971, he just got admitted to BUET (Engineering College at that time) and was already enrolled into IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology). Just one flight and he could have been away from the war, but Shafi Imam Rumi chose not to.

March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023

5 books about 25th March genocide and the aftermath

Genocide Day is an important day in our national history; the day ‘Operation Searchlight’ was executed. Here are 5 books about the massacre of 25th March and the aftermath that every Bengali should read.

March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023

5 chars to visit in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a riverine country and where there is river, there are often chars (shoals). Chars are essentially shallow lands in the river that rise when the water level decreases. Sometimes a char rises and stays visible for years before fading back into the river. Leaving aside the definition, chars can be great places to travel.

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