Brig Gen Shahedul Anam Khan ndc, psc (Retd)

Brig Gen Shahedul Anam Khan ndc, psc (Retd)


The writer is Associate Editor, The Daily Star.

You don’t have to be a Muslim to feel for the Palestinians

It is heartening to note that many large demonstrations held in Western capitals and major cities were participated in by people of all religions.

4m ago

The long road since 48 hours

After the investigating officer being changed six times, the case has, in all probability, stalled.

1y ago

Who killed democracy in Bangladesh?

The recent by-polls represent the state of democracy in our country fairly accurately.

1y ago

A ‘tonic’ for our security forces?

It is unfortunate that security agencies have been used in a manner that has generated more fear in people’s mind than confidence and faith in them.

1y ago

Please spare us your ‘khela’

We do not know what exactly the Awami League general secretary means when he warns the BNP and advises his cadres to gird for khela on December 10.

1y ago

Next Election: A Replay of Old Politics?

It is apparent, from what has transpired in the last fortnight, that any attempt to exercise political rights, and to seek space, will be curbed by force.

1y ago

What have we done with our strategic assets?

Strategic assets are those that demand attention from the highest levels of the state.

1y ago

Democracy means more than the ability to vote

Unfortunately, winning an election has become the synonym for achieving power.

1y ago
March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024

You don’t have to be a Muslim to feel for the Palestinians

It is heartening to note that many large demonstrations held in Western capitals and major cities were participated in by people of all religions.

February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023

The long road since 48 hours

After the investigating officer being changed six times, the case has, in all probability, stalled.

February 9, 2023
February 9, 2023

Who killed democracy in Bangladesh?

The recent by-polls represent the state of democracy in our country fairly accurately.

January 24, 2023
January 24, 2023

A ‘tonic’ for our security forces?

It is unfortunate that security agencies have been used in a manner that has generated more fear in people’s mind than confidence and faith in them.

December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022

Please spare us your ‘khela’

We do not know what exactly the Awami League general secretary means when he warns the BNP and advises his cadres to gird for khela on December 10.

September 1, 2022
September 1, 2022

Next Election: A Replay of Old Politics?

It is apparent, from what has transpired in the last fortnight, that any attempt to exercise political rights, and to seek space, will be curbed by force.

August 16, 2022
August 16, 2022

What have we done with our strategic assets?

Strategic assets are those that demand attention from the highest levels of the state.

August 3, 2022
August 3, 2022

Democracy means more than the ability to vote

Unfortunately, winning an election has become the synonym for achieving power.

June 30, 2022
June 30, 2022

Another ring in the shackle to gag the media

Is not the media already under duress, and its function heavily encumbered by the Digital Security Act (DSA), without needing a new law which is now on the anvil of the Bangladesh Press Council (BPC)?

June 16, 2022
June 16, 2022

Our skewed legal system

Time and again, it has been proven that, when it comes to justice in Bangladesh, some are more equal than others.

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