Debra Efroymson

Debra Efroymson is the executive director of the Institute of Wellbeing, Bangladesh, and author of "Beyond Apologies: Defining and Achieving an Economics of Wellbeing."

Public health must prioritise disease prevention

There is a common confusion around the subject of health.

5d ago

Helping street children requires a holistic, evidence-based approach

The focus of local governments should be ensuring that child protection protection services are prioritised.

2m ago

Democracy dies undefended

What can we learn from the American disaster? First, that democracy isn’t easy.

2m ago

World Cities Day 2024: Cities should be for people, not cars

It is time to greatly restrict the use of private motorised vehicles and make our cities more liveable.

3m ago

The wisdom of youth

If we have learnt nothing else in the last several months, it is not to underestimate the power of young people.

3m ago

Bigger isn't always better

The belief shared by corporate and government leaders that bigger is always better is founded on the false assumption

7m ago

Play should be a fundamental right for all children

Play is not a unique human construction: baby animals engage in play, using it to learn a variety of important skills

7m ago

The contradiction of comfort

How comfortable is it to not have clean air to breathe?

9m ago
March 2, 2023
March 2, 2023

A Licence to Kill

Why is it possible to manufacture and advertise a car that goes faster than the maximum allowable speed?

November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022

The price of comfort

The devastation is already here and now; the longer we wait, the greater and sooner the future damage

October 29, 2022
October 29, 2022

Learning to live with less?

In some neighbourhoods, when the power goes out, people emerge from their apartments and socialise.

September 22, 2022
September 22, 2022

Burn less fuel, build better cities

Imagine for a moment our city without cars, but with high-quality public transport, people zipping by on bicycles, others on foot.

September 7, 2022
September 7, 2022

How can Dhaka solve its traffic problem?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that “traffic was particularly bad today,” I could have retired already

August 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

Systems thinking: A solution to our many global crises

The crises we face are terrifying. And yet I can still imagine an infinitely better life that would solve many of our problems.

August 19, 2022
August 19, 2022

Is violence against women only a women’s issue?

People in power also need to be held accountable for addressing violence in their institutions, be they religious, educational or other.

July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022

Less flooding, more liveability

Our craze to build and pave has led us to create cities of concrete and asphalt. Canals and wetlands are paved over.

July 3, 2022
July 3, 2022

Roe v Wade: The (Questionable) March of Progress in the US

People tend to believe in progress. As the decades advance, we become more civilised. We expand important freedoms, like voting rights. Except that time and time again, some events prove otherwise.

June 23, 2022
June 23, 2022

Inflation, globalisation, and localisation

It is difficult these days to go anywhere or do anything without thinking or hearing about inflation – what is less obvious is what to do about it.