Farhana Ahmed

Memories and savouries of Shab-e-barat

Shab-e-Barat is the night when our fate is said to be decided by the Almighty. It's a night of worship, forgiveness and rewards for devout Muslims all over the world

1y ago

Jamdani Palli: A village that weaves tradition

Jamdani is a symbol of identity, dignity and elegance both at home and abroad for its fine and rich muslin fabric and its motifs.

1y ago

Jamdani Palli: A village that weaves tradition

Jamdani Palli has a great role in bringing together weavers from across the country, and that has resulted in a rich diversity of weaving traditions

1y ago

What is “workation” and why is it gaining popularity worldwide?

Tired of working from the office or home? Need a break? Want to take your work to a beach, a resort or maybe to another city? “Workation” could be the solution that can provide a much-needed break without making you miss that work deadline.

2y ago

Hajj: Chronicling the journey

Every practicing Muslim wants to perform hajj – at least once in a lifetime since it’s obligatory. Those, who are eligible for performing this compulsory ritual of Islam, wait for a suitable opportunity to make this holy journey.

2y ago

Dental braces not only about aesthetics

Proper alignment of teeth is not only important for appearance; it also contributes to oral health.

3y ago

How to protect your child from dengue

Dengue has taken an alarming turn in Bangladesh this year amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Anyone from any age group can be infected by dengue, but children are most vulnerable to this mosquito-borne viral infection because of their comparatively weaker immune systems.

3y ago

Dos and don’ts after bypass surgery

Coronary artery bypass surgery, commonly referred to as “bypass surgery”, is very common nowadays -- with thousands of patients undergoing this procedure every year in Bangladesh.

3y ago
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021

Cornea transplant: Crisis created by social taboo worsened by pandemic

Fifty-five-year-old Zamila Begum lost vision in her right eye three years ago. She has been experiencing pain, redness, watering in the other eye over the last six months. Her doctor has advised her to replace the cornea in the functioning eye as soon as possible. She has been waiting for the cornea transplantation for last six months.

March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018

The Tumultuous Days Of 1971 With Tajuddin

He looked at the people on the boat—he didn't know any of them, but could see from their appearances that most of them were from the Hindu community, fleeing for their lives. It was as if that sad tale—of being forced to leave the land where they were born and brought up—was evident in their expressions.

February 9, 2018
February 9, 2018

Thoughts on the childhood home

Often in conversations people bring up the difference between the words “home” and “house”, or in our case, the difference between “bari” and “basha”.
