Farhana Mirza

Grabbers eye bridge approach road, canal

Land grabbers have set up a number of RCC pillars on the approach road on both sides of a newly constructed bridge over a canal at Chhatiantoli under Kola union of Sirajdikhan upazila to build shops and other concrete structures.

4y ago

Illegal move to fill up government waterbody

A syndicate has set up dredgers in the Dhaleswari river and put pipes on public roads, croplands and even house premises for carrying sand to illegally fill up a large pond at Noidighirpathar under Mirkadim municipality in Munshiganj Sadar upazila.

4y ago

Remnants of a Buddhist civilisation in Nateshwar

The recently excavated Nateshwar archaeological site bears witness to the Bengal region’s thousand-year-old history, with its

5y ago

Japan’s Honda opens motorcycle plant

Japan automobile giant Honda yesterday inaugurated its motorcycles manufacturing plant in Bangladesh, in what can be viewed as a watershed moment for the country's industrial capabilities.

5y ago

Oil spill threatens Meghna; unheeded for 5 days

A tanker capsized in Meghna, spilling unrefined petroleum in the river but no steps have been taken so far to prevent the oil from spreading any further.

5y ago

Where sand traders rule in monsoon

A syndicate of sand traders have removed the middle portion of two wooden bridges on a canal at Shologhar in Sreenagar upazila under the district to make way for movement of sand-laden vessels.

6y ago

The ferrywoman of Munshiganj

From morning until evening the ghats at the Chitolia to Bakchar ferry crossing on either side of the Rajatrekha River in Munshiganj sadar

6y ago

Mother hilsa netting fest on defying ban

Defying the ongoing 22-day government ban on catching hisla across the country, mother hilsa fishing are going on unabated in Munshiganj.

6y ago
December 19, 2015
December 19, 2015

Mobile library for kids

It was around 3:30pm yesterday.
