Hasan Meer

The writer is a journalist at The Daily Star.

Zap potbellies with potholes

Getting tired of your potbelly? 

2y ago

DMCH’s ‘dirty’ laundry

People from across the country flock to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) for treatment. According to hospital authorities, around 4,000 patients remain admitted to this 2,600-bed public hospital on a regular basis.  

2y ago

Female Tea Garden Workers: Workplace sanitation still a far cry for them

For the last 20 years, Chinami Madraji has been working at a tea garden in Moulvibazar. Rain or shine, the 35-year-old mother of five works for eight to 10 hours a day.

2y ago

‘All about ensuring services to people’

With 13 districts, 42 circles and 96 police stations under its jurisdiction, Dhaka range is one of the most important institutions of police that not only ensures safety and security of people but also oversees and monitors services provided by law enforcers.

3y ago

Tea Workers’ Day: 100 years of a forgotten tragedy

These days, Shamnarayan Goor doesn’t do much other than sitting on the porch of his hut and watching the day go by, over the hilly terrain of Lungla Tea Garden in Sylhet.

3y ago

It’s a risky job; we do it to ensure citizens’ safety

Since its inception in 2006, Bomb Disposal Unit -- a specialised force of police trained to disarm bombs and other explosives devices -- has been

3y ago

Half a century with a shrapnel in her skull

Young Nurjahan Begum and Nuru Mia got married in early 1971.

3y ago

‘We try to ensure no one is denied justice’

Formed in 2012, Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) has earned a reputation for solving the seemingly unsolvable, “sensational” and difficult cases. This specialised unit conducts criminal investigations and digital forensic services by the order of court and Police Headquarters (PHQ). In an interview with The Daily Star, PBI chief, Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Banaj Kumar Majumder spoke about the organisation’s work process, achievements, challenges, constraints and future plans.

3y ago
August 21, 2018
August 21, 2018

Hitching a ride home for Eid

It's almost midnight. Sulaiman glances at his watch and leans forward to look at the traffic on Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue near Farmgate, Dhaka.

November 18, 2017
November 18, 2017

A piece of history rusting away

They were waiting for the sun to set.

June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017

Eid just another day full of uncertainty

“We will celebrate Eid next year. I promise I will get you new dresses then. I will also cook shemai (vermicelli) for you.

June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017

Oases lost to urban sprawl

Once Dhaka was adorned with several hundred ponds. Like canals, only a handful exist now. But they are also in death throes due to negligence of the authorities concerned. Although, according to the Field, Open Space, Park and Natural Water Body Protection Act 2000, filling up of any water body including pond is illegal, it's going on unabated.

October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016

Life as it is: The man on the van and his show

The man sits on a rickshaw-van with small plastic containers full of some kind of seeds in front of him.

August 11, 2016
August 11, 2016

Happiness just around the corner

There I was, on a rickshaw, trying to figure out life, the universe and all, at Panthapath, while sipping from a bottle of cola.

June 18, 2016
June 18, 2016

Where have all the fields gone?

Confusion, denial and finally, elation – these were the three stages of emotions that I experienced when my son enthusiastically informed that he wanted to go outside and play football with me.

April 23, 2016
April 23, 2016

Where have all the dreamers gone?

Your dream should not be only about getting a job, rather getting the best job in the universe! Why limit your imagination? Reach for the stars. Dream big, even if you stumble and are stuck somewhere in the middle, don't stop dreaming.
