Iqbal Habib

The commentator is an Architect and Member Secretary, Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA).

The DAP for Dhaka must not be discriminatory

Can the new Detailed Area Plan cure Dhaka's ills?

2y ago

Towards a liveable Dhaka

Encroachment and pollution of its water channels, rivers, wetlands, retention areas, beels and jheels.

9y ago

Prioritise people, not coteries

With the existing Dhaka Metropolitan Development plan (DMDP) 1995-2015 mostly unimplemented, and its term expiring this year, Rajuk has embarked on drawing up a new master plan.

9y ago
September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022

The DAP for Dhaka must not be discriminatory

Can the new Detailed Area Plan cure Dhaka's ills?

January 1, 2016
January 1, 2016

Towards a liveable Dhaka

Encroachment and pollution of its water channels, rivers, wetlands, retention areas, beels and jheels.

September 16, 2015
September 16, 2015

Prioritise people, not coteries

With the existing Dhaka Metropolitan Development plan (DMDP) 1995-2015 mostly unimplemented, and its term expiring this year, Rajuk has embarked on drawing up a new master plan.