Jagaran Chakma

Jagaran Chakma is a Staff Reporter of The Daily Star

Automobile sales drop amid economic downturn, political jitters

Automobile sales have dropped substantially since July this year amidst the economic downturn and political turmoil, denting any hopes of recovering from last year’s slump, according to market insiders.

3d ago

No progress in upgrading six closed sugar mills as prices soar

The fate of six state-owned sugar mills remains uncertain as there has been no upgrading progress since those were closed three and a half years ago, contributing to soaring prices of the sweetener in the local market.   

4d ago

Assembled by Meghna, three brand new KIA SUVs hit the road

Meghna Automobiles, the automotive arm of Meghna Group, began selling three locally assembled sport utility vehicles (SUVs) of South Korean automobile manufacturer KIA recently.

1w ago

Cement demand plummets as public projects lie dormant

Sales of cement nearly halved in the last couple of months as real estate developers shelved construction plans while public projects came screeching to a halt in the face of nationwide unrest and the sudden political changeover.

1w ago

Tyre makers gear up to fill void left by Gazi

Tyre makers in Bangladesh are ramping up production in a bid to expand their market share by catering to a potential supply shortage that may arise from the recent destruction of the Gazi Tyres factory in Rupganj upazila of Narayanganj.

1w ago

Tyre prices soar on rising costs for raw materials

Global hikes in tyre and tube-making raw materials rates and a factory rampage at local key manufacturer Gazi Tyres have caused a shortage and price hikes for the auto item used in lightweight two- and three-wheelers like motorbikes and auto-rickshaws.

1w ago

Gazi Tyres workers face the fallout of mindless destruction

Standing outside the charred ruins of the Gazi Tyres factory in Rupsi, Rupganj on September 9, Billal Hossain was staring at a bleak future.

1w ago

Luxury hotels fall silent as business travellers fade away

Luxury hotels in Dhaka are yet to resume normal business activities as foreign and local clients do not feel confident in travelling to the country given that the overall situation is still unstable.

2w ago
November 29, 2022
November 29, 2022

Economic zones struggle to woo foreign investors

When Bangladesh embarked on a journey to set up 100 economic zones across the country in 2015, the government’s aim was to attract both foreign and local investments as it looks to accelerate industrialisation, create one crore jobs and export $40 billion worth of goods and services from the enclaves in the next 15 years.

November 28, 2022
November 28, 2022

BBS still lacking this year’s paddy data

Nearly half a year ago, farmers harvested the dry Boro season paddy. Then they took home Aus season paddy in August. And now, they are harvesting rain-based Aman season paddy and preparing to cultivate the next season’s Boro paddy.

November 24, 2022
November 24, 2022

Extensive social protection scheme needed immediately

The government should expand social safety net programmes immediately to support the people reeling under escalated food prices, said Selim Raihan, executive director of the South Asian Network on Economic Modeling (Sanem).

November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022

Firms go slow on investments amid crisis

Firms, both local and foreign, have put on hold their investments in Bangladesh owing to the surge in the dollar price, the energy crisis, the escalated cost of production, and the deep uncertainty caused by the Russia-Ukraine war. 

November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022

Investors flocking to private economic zones

Twelve private economic zones in Bangladesh have received good responses from investors drawing investment proposals involving $4.27 billion from local and foreign entrepreneurs in the past six years.

November 13, 2022
November 13, 2022

Auto policy utility yet to be realised

Initiatives expected over the manufacture of automobiles in Bangladesh is yet to become visible in spite of the unveiling of a policy by the government for the first time in 2021 to develop the sector. 

November 7, 2022
November 7, 2022

Used car import soars despite dollar crisis

Reconditioned car imports surged by more than 75 per cent year-on-year in July-October despite the ongoing economic uncertainty and the government’s efforts aimed at discouraging the purchases of luxury items from external sources, traders say.  

November 6, 2022
November 6, 2022

Bicycle exports on the decline

Bicycle exports from Bangladesh declined year-on-year in the first four months of the current fiscal year apparently for shrinking demand in Europe propagated by the war-induced cost-of-living crisis.

October 30, 2022
October 30, 2022

State sugar agency has little to sell though prices rocket

With sugar prices making new records almost every day for a supply crunch at home and abroad, pushing up the cost of making sweetener-based foods, state-run Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation (BSFIC) can’t increase the supply to provide some relief to consumers. 

October 30, 2022
October 30, 2022

Steel industry to heat up as new players joining race

Bangladesh’s steel industry is set to see the entry of a couple of large business houses while several existing steelworks are looking to expand their capacities in order to gain from the rising demand for the key construction material.