K Tanzeel Zaman

Chasing horizons in Thailand: A month of marvels and mishaps

Dhaka. The city where honking is the language of the roads, and the heat is a constant companion like that one clingy friend we all have. So, what happens when five Dhakaites decide to swap this chaos for the tropical allure of Thailand? Let's just say, it involves more than our usual dose of adrenaline and an unexpected culinary plot twist.

2w ago

Surviving Dhaka’s summer: A guide to keeping you cool

Summer in Dhaka is not merely a “mean” sun; it can be characterised as part of a survival game. With the mercury at times rising to 43 degrees Celsius, the sun often appears to have taken our dear city for a giant tandoori oven. As an experienced veteran of Dhaka's ruthless summers, one can give you some cheeky yet highly effective advice for keeping your cool when the city decides to turn up the heat.

2w ago

Shopno Jabe Bari – more than a song!

As the calendar pages flutter closer to Eid, a familiar tune whispers through the air, nudging our hearts towards home — Shopno Jabe Bari. This melody is not just a song; it's a journey back to where our stories began, wrapped in the warm embrace of family and memories of Eid celebrations.

1m ago

Soupy Korean Kimchi Noodles: A fusion delight

Imagine a bowl of those perfectly spicy, raving with the flavour of Kimchi, garnished with your favourite treats. Ready to make this lip-smacking bowl? Come on, let's cook!

1m ago

Cashless in Dhaka: Navigating pre-Eid expenses with a tap

Cashless in Dhaka: Navigating pre-Eid expenses with a tap

1m ago

The great salami shift: Eid celebrations through millennial eyes  

Eid in Dhaka unfolds a tale that every millennial can narrate with a mix of nostalgia and a slight grimace. It’s that time of year when our roles shift dramatically from the eager hands once extended for Eid salamis to the ones reluctantly opening our physical or digital wallets.

1m ago

Navigating Dhaka's Eid shopping scene on a budget

By now, many have already spent a good chunk of their time shopping for friends and families. After all, can you put a price on the smile of your loved ones after gifting them their Eid dress?

1m ago

Building a healthier Dhaka: Why understanding women’s health benefits us all

Back in the day, discussing the health issues of women was nothing short of a taboo. A serial offender would have an easier time getting a break than someone who openly discusses topics ranging from menstrual cramps to pregnancy woes. This phenomenon was not only confided within your household; it was a global one, and unfortunately, remnants of this taboo still linger in our society today.

2m ago
December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023

Culinary Magic in Dhaka: Chef Zohra Maliha's Fine Dining Revolution

Chef Zohra Maliha's story is not just about culinary excellence; it's about passion, innovation, and the power of connecting people through food.

December 6, 2023
December 6, 2023

Grand Theft Auto: A '90s kid's enduring love affair

Picture this: a '90s kid in Dhaka, wide-eyed, and getting lost in the digital world of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Vice City or San Andreas. That kid was me. Fast forward to now, married and in my thirties, and here I am, still as giddy as a schoolboy in a candy store, eagerly awaiting the GTA 6 release, which is due in 2025. Some loves never die; they just respawn.

November 26, 2023
November 26, 2023

Aarong Earth Essential Oils: Your personal nature retreat in a bottle

In the heart of Dhaka, amidst the everyday whirl of life, Aarong Earth brings a touch of nature's tranquillity with its newly launched essential oils. Imagine turning your home into a sanctuary of peace and wellness, a few drops at a time.

November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023

Why do men keep their guard up?

What stops men from opening up? One has to dive deeper, like a diver exploring the depths of the ocean. Externally, societal norms play their part. The expectation of being stoic, the fear of judgement, and the stereotype of manliness being synonymous with emotional fortitude create an invisible barrier. It's like donning an armour 24/7 that's supposed to keep you safe from anything and everything unwelcome, but instead, paradoxically, it becomes a cage.

November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023

Married man’s dilemma: Why buddies and backpacks take a back seat post-wedding

Post-marriage men often find themselves carrying a different kind of backpack — filled not with snacks and maps, but with responsibilities, familial expectations, and a never-ending list of to-dos. Gone are the days of impromptu trips to Cox’s Bazar. Now, it's more about family planning, budgeting for groceries, or attending in-laws' get-togethers.

November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023

Manners maketh man: Reviving the charm of etiquette in the ultra-modern era

In the whirlwind of today's ultra-modern society, where Tinder and Bumble have replaced courtly love and emojis substitute for heartfelt conversation, the art of etiquette, particularly for men, seems to be on a leisurely stroll towards obscurity. This begs the question; in our pursuit of all things modern, are we inadvertently side-lining the refined grace of good manners?

November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023

Celebrating Tashnuva Anan Shishir: A journey of resilience and triumph

Tashnuva's journey began amidst the conservative fabric of Bangladeshi society, where her identity as a transgender woman overshadowed her talents and skills. "I have always been identified as transgender, but not as an individual with skills or qualifications," she reflects on her early career struggles. Despite her competence, Tashnuva faced relentless discrimination, watching less experienced individuals surpass her as she tirelessly knocked on the doors of opportunity.

November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023

Alone at the top: A Dhaka adventurer's Himalayan quest to find meaning in life

In my case, reminiscing about standing thousands of feet above and breathing the freshest air this planet has to offer, while the thick exhaust of the 27-number bus blows on my face, does it for me. This is where I can’t help but draw parallels between navigating through Dhaka's unending traffic jams and a Himalayan trek in itself.

November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023

The November fashion forecast in Dhaka

With winter whispering on the horizon, let's delve into this transitional period with outfits that offer a seamless blend of comfort and style. Long tops are the unsung heroes of Fall fashion line-up. Versatile enough for any occasion, pair them with slim-fit trousers or high-waisted jeans to balance out their length. Opt for earth tones like burnt sienna or forest green to keep your style seasonal yet sophisticated.

October 30, 2023
October 30, 2023

The Sundarbans soiree: Of Padma dreams, ancient trees, and vanishing tigers

The Sundarbans, a land of mangroves, tigers, and... well, mosquitoes, but let's focus on the romantic part, shall we? This time, we swapped Dhaka's ever-present rickshaws and eternal traffic jams for the mysterious lure of the great Sundarbans.

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