Madiha Athar Khan
Madiha Athar Khan is a columnist for The Daily Star and a technical writer at Optimizely. She also leads the Art for Soul movement. She can be reached at madihak1923@gmail.com
Madiha Athar Khan is a columnist for The Daily Star and a technical writer at Optimizely. She also leads the Art for Soul movement. She can be reached at madihak1923@gmail.com
Bangladesh faced India in the semifinal of this year’s Asia Cup looking to recreate magic and failed by a large margin.
Normalising pitches that are more bowler-friendly and being more welcoming to different cricket teams can build a more exciting future for the sport.
Bangladesh lost the match to South Africa by four runs denied to the team due to a faulty decision by the on-field umpire.
We distance ourselves from the sport, stop watching the games, and wish that the news of the results doesn’t reach us. But to remain unaffected is not a choice we can make.
Shows and movies that stimulate crying can help us process complex events we may have gone through but have not yet to come to terms with.
In the world of sports, Bangladeshi women’s and men’s teams for cricket and football have had an eventful year.
Bangladesh has had what can be said to be their worst World Cup campaign as of yet.
Bangladesh has started their World Cup 2023 journey with a convincing win.
If the hum of anxiety in and around the team can be muted out, the Tigers' strength can come to the forefront of the performances.
Bangladesh has access to one invaluable natural resource in abundance: sunlight. But are we doing enough to harness its power?
As I mentally prepared to leave the stadium last night, I saw Miraz continue to play with a deftness and an attitude that I wish could be formalised and replicated by all eleven team members.
Constructive criticism can be very helpful advice for an employee, especially when they are new on the job. One thing that many new and young professionals may not know is that it is important to ask your supervisor to give you advice and suggestions on how to improve.
On some level, the pandemic weighs down on every single human being - those of us who are still fortunate enough to live through these times. There continues to be people whose actions (or inactions) directly contribute to the loss of innumerable lives. I have not yet been able to process the mindset they have or where they are coming from. All I know is that I am prompted to withhold my judgement (at least for the anti-vaxxers and the people denying the pandemic, not for the reckless partiers and travellers). The existence of this group of people serves as yet another reminder or blatant proof of the failings of modern society, especially because of its ever-increasing polarisation.
Apart from witnessing history in the last year and a half, my friends and I have also been going through personally transformative experiences. That is to say, we have graduated right in the middle of the pandemic. Some of us have chosen to take breaks, while others have managed to find our first jobs. Our experiences at the said jobs have also been equally varied.
It can seem like awards ceremonies are given an inordinate amount of importance. Not only do critics, every now and then, disregard a compelling work of fiction, but the entire endeavour also begs the question: what is the purpose of awards and critical acclaim? Marvel films have been famously ignored by the critics, irrespective of the mammoth fan following and box office returns they accumulate, even though immensely successful box office hits, such as “Titanic” and “Avatar”, have been known to have an impact on the Oscars. However, things seem to be changing in Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), led by Kevin Feige.
Aided largely by Stone’s brilliant performance, impeccable music, and outlandish costume design, it is a comprehensive showcasing of proper utilisation of creative talents by one of the largest studios in the world.
For the last two years in a row, I had taken much joy in correctly predicting the Oscar winners for best actor. Both Rami Malek (“Bohemian Rhapsody”) and Joaquin Phoenix (“Joker”) transcended the barriers of storytelling on their own to give memorable performances in their respective films.
Launched in April 2020, Clubhouse has speedily made its mark in the social media realm as an innovative platform to engage its audience. As the raging Covid-19 pandemic prevented human connection, people built an appetite for unique ways to communicate and interact. Clubhouse made its mark in people's lives by being an audio-only platform.