Mahfuz Anam


Editor and publisher, The Daily Star

Editor’s note

Welcome to the latest issue of Your Property Guru, brought to you by The Daily Star. In this quarterly edition, we’re excited to share the latest trends and insights from Bangladesh’s ever-evolving real estate sector, keeping you informed and ahead in this dynamic market.

2w ago

Election in first half of ’26 is not unreasonable, but Dec ’25 is doable

Whatever the differing stances of various political parties may be, people in general would prefer to exercise their franchise.

3w ago

Assad’s ouster and the ever-changing world for Bangladesh

Do we have the expertise to tackle the crises and exploit the opportunities in the evolving geopolitical scenario?

4w ago

What is Indian media’s gain in branding us as a Hindu-hating country?

What has shocked me is their refusal to fact-check what they are writing, broadcasting or televising—a basic duty of any journalist.

1m ago

You have crushed fascism, now strengthen democracy and press freedom

The Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam's appeal to the ‘new generation leaders’

1m ago

The Indian media and Bangladesh-India relations

The bilateral relationship must be based on a "win-win" policy, rooted in mutual respect, non-hegemony, and the pursuit of shared prosperity and deeper understanding.

1m ago

Ending impunity for crimes against journalists

Though the signals are mixed we still hope that the media in Bangladesh will see a new dawn.

1m ago

Of rivers and people

The present leadership must prioritise the development of these two assets of Bangladesh for a sustainable and prosperous future.

2m ago
January 8, 2021
January 8, 2021

Column by Mahfuz Anam: Fearful public, vengeful police

Here is a story that should alert us all. On December 29, a law student named Rejaul Karim Reja, 30, was having tea with friends at a roadside tea stall around 8 pm near his home in Barisal town.

January 1, 2021
January 1, 2021

Commentary by Mahfuz Anam: A dehumanising year

The question of the moment is with what learning we are entering the new year.

December 25, 2020
December 25, 2020

Column by Mahfuz Anam: Ignoring allegations is not the answer, investigating them is

The Election Commission (EC) must be above question. But to be so, it must answer all questions. To ignore, evade, downplay or malign citizens who ask the questions is the surest way to sow doubt in the public mind that an attempt is being made to hide, something that is neither good for the EC and definitely not for the future of democracy.

December 18, 2020
December 18, 2020

Column by Mahfuz Anam: With gratitude to Trump - he woke us up to the vulnerabilities of democracy

The United States has always grabbed global attention for just being what is it—the United States.

December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020

Column by Mahfuz Anam: ‘Democracy Day’ came and went, nobody noticed

What was once a startling thunderclap passed off as a whimper, what was welcomed by millions and celebrated as the rebirth of our democracy, went hardly noticed, what was termed as the victory of the people over the military did not receive any public attention.

December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020

Padma Bridge: Bangladesh tells a story

Historian Yuval Noah Harari, of bestsellers “Sapiens”(2011) and “Homo Deus”(2016) fame, talks about the importance of stories in human history which have the power, he says, to transform the fortune of peoples -- turning groups to tribes, to communities, to nations and, to civilizations and make them achieve wonders.

December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020

Column by Mahfuz Anam: ‘How Democracies Die’

Winston Churchill’s comment in November, 1947 that “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried before” remains as pertinent today as it was when he stated it in the immediate post war period.

November 28, 2020
November 28, 2020

A life devoted to beauty and the arts

Aly Zaker, our most iconic theatre personality, has left us for eternity. He singlehandedly brought theatre out from an obscure corner of our cultural world to its very centre.

November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020

A Life devoted to beauty and the arts

Aly Zaker, our most iconic theatre personality, has left us for eternity. He singlehandedly brought theatre out from an obscure corner of our cultural world to its very centre. He along with his co-actors in Nagarik, and fellow travellers in other theatre groups, made the stage the most powerful and effective vehicle of inculcating critical thinking and intellectual freedom so vitally needed for social change and progress.

November 27, 2020
November 27, 2020

Column by Mahfuz Anam: Shonar Bangla’s Shona Monirs

Whether we have been able to build our Shonar Bangla (Golden Bengal) or not, Mr. Monir Hossain has certainly built his and earned himself the title of “Shona” (Gold) Monir in the process.