Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, managing director of BuildCon Consultancies Ltd

Mahtab Uddin Ahmed

Quota system: a storm in a teacup

In the last one week, Bangladesh has been in the grip of student unrest over the quota system, rendering discussions over its merits and demerits a household phenomenon. Steering away from political discussions, this assessment attempts to evaluate the socio-economic impact of the quota system on our government's vision of a Smart Bangladesh

2d ago

Quota system: a storm in a teacup

In the last one week, Bangladesh has been in the grip of student unrest over the quota system, rendering discussions over its merits and demerits a household phenomenon.

1w ago

The goat that opened the can of worms

Students and the youth have always played a significant role in shaping the history of Bangladesh. However, a fresh wave of change has been sweeping the nation in recent weeks, and it was initiated by none other than a lone goat!

2w ago

The power of attitude: why the lion is king

When I worked for Unilever, we had this incredible senior, an IIT graduate, who had a memory like a steel trap. He could glance at your car plate and recall it correctly a year later. He was a walking encyclopedia with knowledge of every subject under the sun. 

3w ago

Flattering in corporate culture

Flattering the boss or leader has caught up with our political and corporate culture like a virus. In politics, it has no shame or limit. In the corporate world, however, it is practised with more sophistication and complexity.

4w ago

Nailing the first impression

The magic of “love at first sight” can cast its spell with no warning. We often underestimate its mystical power to determine the course of our personal and professional lives, whether it happens during a job interview or when we meet the love of our life. Being lucky in both may sound rare, but we can make it a possibility if we apply some tricks with sincerity and dedication in both situations.

1m ago

Outsmarting your colleagues

In our subcontinent, outsmarting colleagues often translates to indulging in a bit of 'friendly' gossip, perfecting the art of boss buttering, seeking shortcuts to success, dabbling in office politics, and adopting a refined English accent for a select few.

1m ago

Winning over your boss

Pleasing your boss can sometimes feel like the game of Tom & Jerry, where you are Jerry trying desperately to avoid being Tom’s next kill.

2m ago
July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Quota system: a storm in a teacup

In the last one week, Bangladesh has been in the grip of student unrest over the quota system, rendering discussions over its merits and demerits a household phenomenon. Steering away from political discussions, this assessment attempts to evaluate the socio-economic impact of the quota system on our government's vision of a Smart Bangladesh

July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

Quota system: a storm in a teacup

In the last one week, Bangladesh has been in the grip of student unrest over the quota system, rendering discussions over its merits and demerits a household phenomenon.

July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024

The goat that opened the can of worms

Students and the youth have always played a significant role in shaping the history of Bangladesh. However, a fresh wave of change has been sweeping the nation in recent weeks, and it was initiated by none other than a lone goat!

July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

The power of attitude: why the lion is king

When I worked for Unilever, we had this incredible senior, an IIT graduate, who had a memory like a steel trap. He could glance at your car plate and recall it correctly a year later. He was a walking encyclopedia with knowledge of every subject under the sun. 

June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

Flattering in corporate culture

Flattering the boss or leader has caught up with our political and corporate culture like a virus. In politics, it has no shame or limit. In the corporate world, however, it is practised with more sophistication and complexity.

June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024

Nailing the first impression

The magic of “love at first sight” can cast its spell with no warning. We often underestimate its mystical power to determine the course of our personal and professional lives, whether it happens during a job interview or when we meet the love of our life. Being lucky in both may sound rare, but we can make it a possibility if we apply some tricks with sincerity and dedication in both situations.

May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024

Outsmarting your colleagues

In our subcontinent, outsmarting colleagues often translates to indulging in a bit of 'friendly' gossip, perfecting the art of boss buttering, seeking shortcuts to success, dabbling in office politics, and adopting a refined English accent for a select few.

May 24, 2024
May 24, 2024

Winning over your boss

Pleasing your boss can sometimes feel like the game of Tom & Jerry, where you are Jerry trying desperately to avoid being Tom’s next kill.

May 17, 2024
May 17, 2024

Merging minds with machines

With the news of brain chip implants, our friends joked that advertisers would run commercials in our brains if we got chips without a subscription.

April 26, 2024
April 26, 2024

Boss-beating services: the workplace solution

A former colleague shared one of the most bizarre local news about an employee who hired a goon to severely beat up his boss for being the cause of excessive stress in the workplace.

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