Mahtab Uddin Ahmed, managing director of BuildCon Consultancies Ltd

Mahtab Uddin Ahmed

Boss-beating services: the workplace solution

A former colleague shared one of the most bizarre local news about an employee who hired a goon to severely beat up his boss for being the cause of excessive stress in the workplace.

1w ago

The golden goose and the taxman

A golden goose had once started laying solid gold eggs in the whimsical land of Bangladesh. But alas, the taxman slapped a tax on it that turned its feathers grey.

2w ago

Fighting corruption or feeding it?

Once a little boy wanted to have his own cricket bat. But he did not have any money to buy it.

1m ago

Voice floor price: time to scrap it

Bangalees are well known for their unparalleled gift of gab. Our love for chatting is unique and deeply rooted in our culture. Whether it is at the corner shop or continuing in marathon phone calls that defy the laws of time and data plans, we Bangalees are the true pioneers of telephonic verbos

1m ago

How to disagree with your boss

Imagine waking up from a nightmare where your boss decides to be with his teammates 24/7 for a month to strengthen team spirit. The relief of waking up is tantamount to winning a lottery!

1m ago

Voices of change: women leading Bangladesh forward

In a small village, there was a debate over who should make decisions at home. A contest was held where a man and a wise old grandmother would catch a rabbit without any tools.

2m ago

The amazing science of happiness

In a forest, a crow encounters a swan and begins to feel inferior due to the swan's white feathers, presuming the swan must be the happiest bird. The swan, on the other hand, envies the parrot for its two colours, believing it to be happier.

2m ago

Dialling into the future: Beyond phone numbers

Life without a phone and internet is unthinkable in the present world. About a year ago, I wrote about traditional telecom industries facing significant threats from LEO (low earth orbit) satellites, and it is increasingly coming to light with each passing day.

2m ago
November 2, 2023
November 2, 2023

Do as I say, not as I do

The cherry on top is not always as delicious as it beckons you to believe. Those who look up to their leaders as infallible are often too soon disillusioned by their fallacies, double standard and hypocrisy being the most common of them.

October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023

Self-fulfilling prophecies -- a guide for leaders

Who doesn’t like talking about the boss, especially if he or she happens to be a nasty one. By now, most of us have come across a boss who can predict the future better than an astrologer. And this skill seems to get honed to perfection during the annual appraisal process each year.

October 26, 2023
October 26, 2023

Self-fulfilling prophecies -- a guide for leaders

Who doesn’t like talking about the boss, especially if he or she happens to be a nasty one. By now, most of us have come across a boss who can predict the future better than an astrologer. And this skill seems to get honed to perfection during the annual appraisal process each year.

October 19, 2023
October 19, 2023

Greeting the new data guideline

In today's modern era, most parents have concerns about their children’s screen time. While we delude ourselves saying the problem is mainly with the new generation and is still reversible, the real test would be to spend a day or a week without a smartphone with all its goodies like Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc! Forget about the kids; try it on yourself first. Your misery is likely to melt the heart of even your Creator!

September 22, 2023
September 22, 2023

Why CEOs can’t stand together in crisis

Ever imagined a bank CEO getting slapped in a board meeting? Or a CEO changing his name through an affidavit to save his job just because it annoys the owner of his bank? These are real-life events that took place in our banking sector in recent years.    

September 15, 2023
September 15, 2023

Overhyped 5G fails to deliver on promises

A teacher was once pranked by two students. They tricked him into thinking that he was experiencing a 5G-enabled VR application that turned out to be a nightmare. They hacked into his smartphone and VR headset to create a customised frightful VR environment and recorded his reactions as he suffered in the VR world.

September 8, 2023
September 8, 2023

Family business: echoes of a cracking tower!

Property disputes are nasty, but it is particularly distasteful when it follows the death of a parent. And this phenomenon of fighting over inheritance continues to be a part of human history, no matter which part of the world you are in.

September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023

Gear up for 3D printed food

You’re hungry? Not up to preparing a meal? No worries! Just enter your menu choices into a computer and your dinner appears before you.  

August 25, 2023
August 25, 2023

Foreign trip or company-paid holiday?

While having lunch with his colleagues, Jamal announced he was going to Singapore to attend a training workshop. Cheers followed, but some were struggling to conceal their resentment with “But you came back from Bangalore last month” and the like.

August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023

The hard-to-read bosses

A top executive was once giving a speech at a conference. He said, “Ladies and gentlemen, let me share some of the secrets behind my success.

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