Mathews Chiran

How many Indigenous authors can you name?

There is a lack of recognition for Indigenous writers and publishers at national events like the Amar Ekushey Book Fair.

7m ago

Eid shopping a priority above health safety?

The government has directed all supermarkets, malls and shops of Dhaka city to adopt precautionary measures to stop the spread of Covid-19. However, the markets are struggling to maintain proper health and safety measures as there are large crowds of people shopping before Eid-ul-Fitr.

3y ago

Filing complaints now easier than ever

It was quite a pleasant surprise for Kawser Alam when he found Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) workers clearing the dumped waste in front of his house, a day after he lodged a complaint through an app called “Sobar Dhaka”.

3y ago

Footpath, road blocked by DNCC’s structure

Dhaka residents usually come across footpaths and roads being blocked by vendors and parked vehicles. As a result, they may have to jaywalk or manoeuvre their vehicles through the obstacles, hoping that one day authorities will clear the path.

3y ago

Here’s hoping next year’s book fair is Covid-19 free

Yesterday was the last day of this year’s Ekushey Boimela. Marked by a delayed start and a lockdown announcement midway, the book fair -- originally scheduled to end on April 14 -- ended two days earlier due to the surge in Covid-19 cases across the country.

3y ago

(Mist) cannons to fight pollution!

To control dust pollution in the capital and maintain air quality, Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) have begun operating two truck-mounted

3y ago

Ekushey Book Fair : ‘Better promotion would have drawn more visitors’

As soon as the gate of Amar Ekushey book fair opened at 3pm yesterday, visitors started coming in. Among lone visitors and groups, there were students, couples, families university students, couples and families joining in the festivity of the fair.

3y ago

Ekushey Book Fair : Young readers thrilled to meet favourite writer

On the fifth day of the book fair, the crowd was a little relaxed at the Suhrawardy Udyan yesterday.

3y ago
January 7, 2020
January 7, 2020

No recruitment at city corporations in 8 years

While the two Dhaka city corporations often get flak for delay in development and other works or lacking in implementation of plans, a lot of those criticisms would sound rather harsh when one considers that there have been no new recruitment to the city corporations in over eight years -- since Dhaka City Corporation was split in two in 2011 -- and a large number of posts remain vacant.

December 16, 2019
December 16, 2019

The guerrilla of Garo hills

Every day at the break of dawn, Albert Mrong sets out from home on his bicycle with a bag full of medicines. He rides over the uneven terrain of Madhupur -- surrounded by banana orchards -- stopping at homes of worried villagers and giving them necessary vaccines and antidote for their cattle.

December 1, 2019
December 1, 2019

Good initiative falls short

With an aim to help pedestrians cross an intersection safely and reduce risks of accidents, Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) in October installed “push button time countdown” signal systems on a pilot basis in two of its areas.

November 25, 2019
November 25, 2019

Dhaka Airport’s Middle Marker: Restricted area, unbridled access

On one side of a road that goes to Bawnia through Dolipara in Uttara, there’s a runway for planes to land at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. This restricted area is demarcated with a tall-wire fence, from which people often look through to see airplanes come and go.

October 26, 2019
October 26, 2019

Missing for months!

Every month, councillors of Dhaka North City Corporation hold a meeting at Nagar Bhaban in Gulshan to discuss various issues of their wards. The meetings are headed by DNCC Mayor Md Atiqul Islam.

October 8, 2019
October 8, 2019

Greenery on rent in the concrete jungle

In the concrete jungle that is Dhaka, any sight of greenery is a respite for the senses. While household gardening continues to be a popular hobby among residents of the city, office spaces and banks are nowadays often seen adorned with plants, both indoor and outdoor kinds.

September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019

Dhaka’s first bike lane in the offing

Despite the growing popularity of cycling as means of commuting, exercise and a recreational activity, even the most optimistic would not rank Dhaka as a cyclist-friendly city.

September 21, 2019
September 21, 2019

INDIRA ROAD: Brisk business on footpath

Farmgate hardly requires an introduction. Every day, vehicles of various shapes and size stop haphazardly to pick up or drop off passengers in the area, while people remain busy walking in all directions or rushing through or shoving each other to go about their destinations.

September 10, 2019
September 10, 2019

Abrar memorial footbridge closed days after opening

A long-awaited footbridge -- promised by Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) Mayor Atiqul Islam himself following the tragic death of a youth under a bus on the road -- has been abruptly closed down within a week of opening it to public.

September 1, 2019
September 1, 2019

A curious case at Dhaka zoo

Bangladesh National Zoo authorities on Friday handed over two animals from its collection to a citizen for adoption, one of which it has claimed was a donation from one of the most renowned artists in the country’s history. It naturally begs the question -- why?