According to the World Health Organization, experiencing violence in childhood impacts one’s lifelong health and well-being.
We can look to other countries to find how they have included PWDs in their economy.
Universities in Bangladesh, especially the private ones, have been quite proactive in their efforts to enrol students in online classes after the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) cleared the way for virtual admissions and education platforms.
Governments across the world are trying to save lives by preventing the spread of coronavirus through the implementation of various measures, such as social distancing guidelines and nationwide lockdowns.
According to the World Health Organization, experiencing violence in childhood impacts one’s lifelong health and well-being.
We can look to other countries to find how they have included PWDs in their economy.
Universities in Bangladesh, especially the private ones, have been quite proactive in their efforts to enrol students in online classes after the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) cleared the way for virtual admissions and education platforms.
Governments across the world are trying to save lives by preventing the spread of coronavirus through the implementation of various measures, such as social distancing guidelines and nationwide lockdowns.