Md. Shariful Islam

The writer is Lecturer, Department of International Relations, University of Rajshahi. He can be reached at

Health security should be our first priority

In 1988, being extremely poor and thanks to the poor state of the health sector in the country, my mother died due to maternal health related complication.

6y ago

How Bangladesh can be benefitted

Bangladesh, as one of the participating countries will obviously benefit from this initiative. China will provide assistance worth 60 billion yuan in the coming three years to developing countries and international organisations participating in the Belt and Road initiative.

7y ago

Mapping new directions

Trust deficit has been a major constraint in elevating Bangladesh-Myanmar relations. In fact, due to the trust deficit and lack of

7y ago

Implications for Bangladesh

Over the past several weeks, the world witnessed the #YouStink anti-government protest in Lebanon popularly known as the 'garbage movement', comprising of people from across the sectarian and political spectrum.

8y ago

Troubled Waters

IN the early 1960s, John F Kennedy said, "Anyone who can solve the problems of water, will be worthy of two Nobel prizes: one for peace and one for sciences" (cited in Likhotal 2013: 86). This statement of Kennedy implies the significance as well as challenges of resolving water problems. In South Asia, water has been constructed as a scarce resource and hence, is considered a source of conflict rather than cooperation.

9y ago
June 12, 2017
June 12, 2017

Health security should be our first priority

In 1988, being extremely poor and thanks to the poor state of the health sector in the country, my mother died due to maternal health related complication.

May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017

How Bangladesh can be benefitted

Bangladesh, as one of the participating countries will obviously benefit from this initiative. China will provide assistance worth 60 billion yuan in the coming three years to developing countries and international organisations participating in the Belt and Road initiative.

September 8, 2016
September 8, 2016

Mapping new directions

Trust deficit has been a major constraint in elevating Bangladesh-Myanmar relations. In fact, due to the trust deficit and lack of

September 2, 2015
September 2, 2015

Implications for Bangladesh

Over the past several weeks, the world witnessed the #YouStink anti-government protest in Lebanon popularly known as the 'garbage movement', comprising of people from across the sectarian and political spectrum.

March 4, 2015
March 4, 2015

Troubled Waters

IN the early 1960s, John F Kennedy said, "Anyone who can solve the problems of water, will be worthy of two Nobel prizes: one for peace and one for sciences" (cited in Likhotal 2013: 86). This statement of Kennedy implies the significance as well as challenges of resolving water problems. In South Asia, water has been constructed as a scarce resource and hence, is considered a source of conflict rather than cooperation.

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