Moneesha R Kalamder

Moneesha R Kalamder is an economist and writer.

A memoir that unpacks faith, survival & hope

For her family and community growing up, Lamya's questions and thoughts were too scandalous, borderline blasphemous. For her extended family, she is too religious.

1y ago

On a Thursday on Kazi Nazrul Avenue

On a Thursday, I went back home, and I took a walk./ On the sidewalk, I saw a splash of maroon on a grey block.

1y ago

5 stages of grief as my Instagram gets suspended

With Instagram accounts getting suspended, panic set in globally.

2y ago

The legacy of blood

Henry Kissinger is infamous in Bangladesh for allegedly terming the newly-independent country a “bottomless basket”, but this statement appears to be the least of his crimes against the people of Bangladesh.

3y ago

Prelude to a national disintegration

After half a century from where we began, Daily Star Books will spend all of this year—the 50th year of Bangladesh—revisiting, celebrating, and analyzing some of the books that played pivotal roles in documenting the Liberation War of 1971 and the birth of this nation.

3y ago

Speaking Deshi When in Bidesh

What happens when a native Bangla speaker goes abroad?

3y ago

A concoction of medicine, history, and drama in ‘A Ballad of Remittent Fever’

Ginger, lemon juice, or a dash of honey added to a warm cup of tea. Some variation of this remedy to common cold is a familiar one in Bengali households.

4y ago

Bibhutibhushan, an unlikely adventurer

For anyone sitting through heat-stricken afternoons on forever-long summer days, reprieve can come in the form of escape into a fictional world, and Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay is a master at offering it.

4y ago
April 18, 2023
April 18, 2023

A memoir that unpacks faith, survival & hope

For her family and community growing up, Lamya's questions and thoughts were too scandalous, borderline blasphemous. For her extended family, she is too religious.

January 21, 2023
January 21, 2023

On a Thursday on Kazi Nazrul Avenue

On a Thursday, I went back home, and I took a walk./ On the sidewalk, I saw a splash of maroon on a grey block.

November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022

5 stages of grief as my Instagram gets suspended

With Instagram accounts getting suspended, panic set in globally.

August 26, 2021
August 26, 2021

The legacy of blood

Henry Kissinger is infamous in Bangladesh for allegedly terming the newly-independent country a “bottomless basket”, but this statement appears to be the least of his crimes against the people of Bangladesh.

February 25, 2021
February 25, 2021

Prelude to a national disintegration

After half a century from where we began, Daily Star Books will spend all of this year—the 50th year of Bangladesh—revisiting, celebrating, and analyzing some of the books that played pivotal roles in documenting the Liberation War of 1971 and the birth of this nation.

December 24, 2020
December 24, 2020

Speaking Deshi When in Bidesh

What happens when a native Bangla speaker goes abroad?

October 15, 2020
October 15, 2020

A concoction of medicine, history, and drama in ‘A Ballad of Remittent Fever’

Ginger, lemon juice, or a dash of honey added to a warm cup of tea. Some variation of this remedy to common cold is a familiar one in Bengali households.

July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020

Bibhutibhushan, an unlikely adventurer

For anyone sitting through heat-stricken afternoons on forever-long summer days, reprieve can come in the form of escape into a fictional world, and Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay is a master at offering it.

April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019

Studying Abroad: The myths debunked

Get ready to be surprised.

March 18, 2019
March 18, 2019

The fault with our 'Bandhobi'

I was not surprised when I learned Bandhobi, neither was I surprised by the reactions it incited. What surprised me was how quite a few people of note jumped to blindly defending her work. I am particularly stumped by an opinion published on the Daily Star by Arafat Kazi, titled “Defending my Bandhobi”. It’s important to remember that whatever the quality of work is, bullying or harassment of any type isn’t commendable.