Muhammad Rakibul Islam

Muhammad Rakibul Islam is Global Ambassador, Clark University, USA.

Mask-culinity: A toxic façade

"Toxic masculinity is the practice of associating manhood with aggression, sex and status—a world where strength reigns supreme and emotions are deemed as weakness.”

5y ago

Did colourism always exist in the Indian subcontinent?

When talking about discrimination, usually the topic that is widely discussed and studied is racism or the practice of discrimination of people based on race. In the Indian subcontinent what is more widely popularised as a major socio-cultural practice and has profound implications, yet less talked about and even less studied is the topic of colourism.

6y ago
April 27, 2019
April 27, 2019

Mask-culinity: A toxic façade

"Toxic masculinity is the practice of associating manhood with aggression, sex and status—a world where strength reigns supreme and emotions are deemed as weakness.”

January 5, 2019
January 5, 2019

Did colourism always exist in the Indian subcontinent?

When talking about discrimination, usually the topic that is widely discussed and studied is racism or the practice of discrimination of people based on race. In the Indian subcontinent what is more widely popularised as a major socio-cultural practice and has profound implications, yet less talked about and even less studied is the topic of colourism.