Nighat Ara

Psychiatrist, Counsellor and Therapist

Men’s anxiety and other mental health issues

Scientific studies report that anxiety disorder is more common among women than in men. There are gender specific social teachings that contribute to mental health problems in both men and women.

2y ago

Hypochondriac and OCD during the pandemic

The pandemic has significantly impacted overall mental health of the general population. Extent and severity of symptoms would vary from person to person, depending on the balance between adversities of life and available resources to cope with it.

3y ago

Is post-partum depression real?

These changes in classification do not make post-partum depression unreal at all. This mental condition, although rare, does exist.

3y ago

Mental health impacts of COVID-19

COVID-19 pandemic related mental health issues are an evolving multi-layered phenomenon that warrants appropriate attention and necessary action.

3y ago

Money, mind and behavioural addictions

Invention of ‘money’ is hard to trace back, but historians believe metal objects were first used as money before the time of written history.

4y ago

Lies and liars

Well-orchestrated systemic historical lies are used to oppress others. Lies repeated over and over again becomes perceived truth to the public. Those lies are used deliberately for political gains. Culturally accepted lies (e.g. in our culture, people lie about age all the time) allow people to cater more lies.

4y ago

The depressed millennials

It is one of the most common things being discussed nowadays — millennials and depression. Being one of the most highly educated generations that grew up with the technological wave, it should not be so. Then again, it is the same generation that went through a global recession in their growing years, no matter which country they hail from. As the generation is more aware of mental illness, they are also addressing their various mental health issues.

4y ago

Parenting and LGBTQA+

Just a generation back, parenting seemed simpler and anything could be handled with a sound scolding and an occasional smack or two. For parents of current times, things have become more complicated than ever.

4y ago
June 26, 2018
June 26, 2018

Dealing with Stress

Stress is part and parcel of modern life and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Positive stress motivates us and helps us to get things done. I suspect most of us would be living a vegetative life if there were no internal or external stressors at all to deal with! However, stress becomes negative when it demands too much personal and

May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018

Fixing a broken marriage

If we look at the history of marriage, it appears that back in the 18th century, marriage was mostly an economic arrangement. Marriage was used to manage wealth through merging properties of two families and then ensuring it through inheritance laws. Marriage also played a vital role in maintaining social class and adhering to the same social group (e.g. Brahman marrying Brahman or rich marrying rich etc.). In

July 4, 2017
July 4, 2017

Geriatric care — life after retirement

The average lifespan has increased in Bangladesh which means more people are now living in their 70's, 80's and 90's.

May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017

Interpreter of maladies

Q. Youngsters are very much into 'slumber parties.' Even we had them in our teen days but that was more than one and a half decade ago. How should parents handle the demand for night outs by girls and boys? Is it necessary, does it have good aspects to it, or is it all bad?

January 12, 2016
January 12, 2016

Parenting skills

Parenting is quite a challenging job that most of us sign up for without even realising the responsibilities and pains attached to it.

May 26, 2015
May 26, 2015

Interpreter of maladies

Q. For quite some time now, I am getting intrusive thoughts especially at the end of the night. I have developed

March 10, 2015
March 10, 2015

Society’s slings and arrows

I have extreme claustrophobia which reaches a point when I can't even get into an elevator with more than four people in it.
