Partha Pratim Bhattacharjee

BNP forms six panels for reforms

The BNP has formed six committees to formulate the party’s reform proposals in line with its 31-point outline aimed at reforming the constitution and state system and ensuring economic emancipation, said party sources.

1d ago

Post-August 5 politics: BNP, Jamaat drifting apart

The taunts and barbs leave little room for doubt that the 33-year-old ties have soured. Since the fall of Sheikh Hasina’s government on August 5, BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami leaders have differed in private and in public on various issues, including reforms and election timeframe.

2d ago

How Hasina’s flight was kept off radar

When the air force transporter plane carrying Sheikh Hasina left Dhaka on August 5, it took off as a training flight and turned off its transponders to blur its flightpath and location..The transponders, which transmit location, heading

6d ago

Prison breaks: 928 inmates still at large

At least 2,241 inmates, including 88 on death row, fled from prisons before and after the mass uprising but a large number of them are yet to be found.

1w ago

Cops working, not effectively

Police have been largely absent on the ground in the one month since the fall of the Hasina-led government amid a mass uprising, causing safety concerns for the public.

2w ago

How UCB’s Ronny acquired so much offshore assets

As Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Javed’s grip over United Commercial Bank (UCB) created a trail of disguised loans with abuse of political influence after he became a minister in 2019 back home, his brother Anisuzzaman Chowdhury Ronny’s assets saw a meteoric rise in the UK.

3w ago

Revocation of red passports: A new reality for Hasina in India

After the interim government revoked all diplomatic passports yesterday, questions have now arisen as to how long Sheikh Hasina can stay in India and whether she faces a possible extradition.

4w ago

BNP focused on getting thousands of cases withdrawn

The BNP is now focusing on getting the cases against its leaders and activists withdrawn and revamping the party after giving the interim government the time required to create a congenial atmosphere for polls.

1m ago
October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022

‘No factory has to shut’

Consumer goods importers and processors yesterday told the prime minister how the deepening energy and power crises were affecting their industries.

October 24, 2022
October 24, 2022

Now AL plans to flaunt strength

As the recent BNP rallies drew huge crowds in different cities, the Awami League is now preparing to hold rallies and other programmes across the country from next month apparently to show its strength.

October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022

Transport strike: Rally over, demands gone

While transport leaders held Khulna hostage for the last two days “to wage a war against illegal three-wheelers”, their vociferous demands fizzled out around the time the BNP ended its rally.

October 3, 2022
October 3, 2022

AL, BNP in overdrive to woo allies

The ruling Awami League and its arch-rival the BNP are working to bring like-minded political parties into their fold ahead of the next parliamentary election.

September 28, 2022
September 28, 2022

Sheikh Hasina’s 76th birthday: A steely resolve that sets her apart

She is no stranger to adversity. Her life has been plagued by tragedies. But none of those could break her resolve.

September 23, 2022
September 23, 2022

Govt may opt to go easy on BNP protests

The ruling Awami League has hinted it will try to handle BNP’s ongoing protests deftly, as the government is under “pressure” from the international community for its highhandedness towards the opposition programmes.

September 16, 2022
September 16, 2022

AL rebels: A problem party can’t solve

Mohiuddin Maharaj, organising secretary of Pirojpur district Awami League, is contesting the chairman’s post in the upcoming zila parishad elections as a rebel candidate for the second consecutive time.

September 3, 2022
September 3, 2022

It’s Tariqat, once again

Bangladesh Tariqat Federation has become a curious case in the country’s political landscape, which is now murky in the absence of effective opposition parties.

August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022

Ministers are the boss, bureaucrats real boss

Who is calling all the shots in government affairs at the moment, the ministers or the bureaucrats? The answer is pretty obvious.

August 21, 2022
August 21, 2022

Import of 300 non-essentials: Tax hike on luxury items on the way

The government is expected to increase the duty and taxes on 300 non-essential and luxury items such as SUVs, mobile phones and home appliances as it looks to rein in imports and ease the pressure on foreign currency reserves.