Pinaki Roy

Chief Reporter, The Daily Star

Why tidal surges were so high

Southern rivers in Bangladesh were already swelling with waters on May 23 due to the full moon’s gravitational dance with the Earth.

1m ago

Fewer but fiercer since the 90s

Though Bangladesh is experiencing fewer cyclones than in the 1960s, their intensity has increased, a recent study has found.

2m ago

Depression forms in the Bay of Bengal

The Met office yesterday said the depression over the Bay of Bengal may intensify and turn into a cyclone before making landfall on the Bangladesh coast tomorrow.

2m ago

High Temperature Days: Barring miracle, record of 76yrs breaks today

At least 23 days of this month were heatwave days, which equals the record set in 2019 for the entire year.

3m ago

An April way hotter than 30-year average

Over the last seven days, temperatures in the capital and other heatwave-affected places have been consistently four to five degrees Celsius higher than the corresponding seven days in the last 30 years, according to Met department data.

3m ago

Heatwaves in April getting longer

Mild to moderate heatwaves in the month of April have gotten longer over the years, according to preliminary data of a research.

3m ago

Salinity seeping into northern groundwater

The salinity of the groundwater surrounding fish farms in the northern region has been on the rise as fish farmers have been using large quantities of salt in their ponds, a survey finds.

4m ago

Wildlife Trafficking: Bangladesh remains a transit hotspot

Patagonian Mara, a somewhat rabbit-like animal, is found in open and semi-open habitats in Argentina, including in large parts of Patagonia. This herbivorous mammal, which also looks like deer, is never known to be found in this part of the subcontinent.

4m ago
May 29, 2024
May 29, 2024

Why tidal surges were so high

Southern rivers in Bangladesh were already swelling with waters on May 23 due to the full moon’s gravitational dance with the Earth.

May 26, 2024
May 26, 2024

Fewer but fiercer since the 90s

Though Bangladesh is experiencing fewer cyclones than in the 1960s, their intensity has increased, a recent study has found.

May 25, 2024
May 25, 2024

Depression forms in the Bay of Bengal

The Met office yesterday said the depression over the Bay of Bengal may intensify and turn into a cyclone before making landfall on the Bangladesh coast tomorrow.

April 26, 2024
April 26, 2024

High Temperature Days: Barring miracle, record of 76yrs breaks today

At least 23 days of this month were heatwave days, which equals the record set in 2019 for the entire year.

April 24, 2024
April 24, 2024

An April way hotter than 30-year average

Over the last seven days, temperatures in the capital and other heatwave-affected places have been consistently four to five degrees Celsius higher than the corresponding seven days in the last 30 years, according to Met department data.

April 23, 2024
April 23, 2024

Heatwaves in April getting longer

Mild to moderate heatwaves in the month of April have gotten longer over the years, according to preliminary data of a research.

March 22, 2024
March 22, 2024

Salinity seeping into northern groundwater

The salinity of the groundwater surrounding fish farms in the northern region has been on the rise as fish farmers have been using large quantities of salt in their ponds, a survey finds.

March 3, 2024
March 3, 2024

Wildlife Trafficking: Bangladesh remains a transit hotspot

Patagonian Mara, a somewhat rabbit-like animal, is found in open and semi-open habitats in Argentina, including in large parts of Patagonia. This herbivorous mammal, which also looks like deer, is never known to be found in this part of the subcontinent.

February 11, 2024
February 11, 2024

120km Dhaka canals lost to urban greed

Dhaka city has lost a combined length of 120km or 307 hectares of canals, which could have been waterways and vital drainage, thanks to encroachment, unplanned urbanisation and lack of maintenance by the authorities in the last 80 years.

November 30, 2023
November 30, 2023

Pratapnagar’s climate woes never end

Upon reaching the Harishkhali village in Pratapnagar union, an area on the forefront of climate impacts in the country,the first thing noticed was a red flag, hoisted by the launch terminal, fluttering against the southernbreeze.

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