Rahin Sadman

4G: Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know about 4G roll-out in Bangladesh in one small infograph. Enjoy!

7y ago

NSU Haat Bazar: Taste of the real world

Haat Bazar, a day-long business and entrepreneurship simulation by Career & Placement Centre and the Department of Management of North South University, was successfully held on the 25th November for the fourth time since fall 2014 by Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES!), the business club of North South University. The goal of the event was for the students enrolled in the Entrepreneurship course to gain exposure on being a real-life entrepreneur for a day, frosting it with a first-hand experience of the problems a real business could face.

9y ago
August 14, 2017
August 14, 2017

4G: Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know about 4G roll-out in Bangladesh in one small infograph. Enjoy!

December 4, 2015
December 4, 2015

NSU Haat Bazar: Taste of the real world

Haat Bazar, a day-long business and entrepreneurship simulation by Career & Placement Centre and the Department of Management of North South University, was successfully held on the 25th November for the fourth time since fall 2014 by Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES!), the business club of North South University. The goal of the event was for the students enrolled in the Entrepreneurship course to gain exposure on being a real-life entrepreneur for a day, frosting it with a first-hand experience of the problems a real business could face.