Raisa Ashraf

Originally hired as Next Step's Executive Contributor with the hope to hoax her into minionship, Raisa Ashraf chose to demote herself to write for the supplement only during the holidays so that she could crawl her way through her academic career at Asian University for Women. Raisa wishes to pick up writing and journalism as a career after graduation, considering that these are the only genuine skills she has, but is faced with the daunting idea of being bad and also falling prey to biasness.

From professorship to politics

Next Step talks to Kathleen Gertrud Ferrier, former Dutch Member of Parliament and visiting professor at AUW, about her career in politics, social aid and teaching.

7y ago

4th National Conference on Natural Science and Technology

The Science and Math programme of Asian University for Women (AUW) is set to organise the fourth National Conference on Natural

7y ago


After successfully hosting two consecutive Model United Nations (MUN) conferences, Asian University for Women (AUW) is set to organise the third edition of Asian University for Women National Model United Nations (AUWNMUN) from February 9-11, 2017.

7y ago

A shutterbug affair: The 4th AUW Photo Carnival

Being South Asia's first international all-women's liberal arts' university and home to students from 16 countries, international events with diversity are part of AUW's core values. Within days of the end of AUW-International Model United Nations (AUWIMUN), comes the 4th AUW Photo Carnival.

8y ago

AUW set to organise AUW-International MUN

For Model United Nations (MUN) enthusiasts and veterans alike, Asian University For Women (AUW) is organising a treat for their souls with the second AUW-International MUN (AUWIMUN) conference, taking place between March 24th and 27th.

8y ago

Five books for inspiration this new year

Books can be an amazing source of solitude and inspiration at the same time. As the year-end holiday season sets in, it also brings along one of the best times of the year for a bookworm to kick start a book-reading marathon.

8y ago

Arjun 101: Introduction to the R&B sensation

Initially influenced by his mother's love for music and later on learning to play numerous instruments himself, Arjun did not need lose much sleep over the decision to enter the music industry. However, interestingly enough, singing was not his first choice as a career; nor did he particularly like his now famous R&B style of singing.

9y ago

By all means, please fail

Ever wondered about what kept your idol going and eventually reach the height that they did? What sparked their drive to achieve greatness? Something that everyone will agree on is that anyone who has gone on to achieve 'greatness' has the will power to accomplish the things that they did. However, there is always something that gives the initial boost down the long road to greatness. This is where failure comes in.

10y ago
April 16, 2014
April 16, 2014

Your workplace and you

For new companies, an office can be anywhere from the public library, to a co-working space, or a coffee shop with free Wi-Fi. The office makes a major contribution towards the establishment of the workplace culture. Interior design and technology can stimulate worker morale and productivity while the layout of the workplace can boost energy and creativity.

April 9, 2014
April 9, 2014

How to make plans for your startup

If you are interested in starting your own business, having an idea which suits your passions, goals, strengths, and resources is very important. However, translating your ideas for business into a successful, workable enterprise can be harder than it seems.

April 2, 2014
April 2, 2014

ACCA Tales

Having a career as an Association of Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA) can be very rewarding if the person knows what they are doing. The big pay checks, staying at luxury suites during holidays, the nice cars and what not? However, contrary to popular belief, that's not all: the workload can also come in equal measures.

March 12, 2014
March 12, 2014

Hunting after jobs: The career fair story

Jumping into job sector battlefield from the safe cocoon of a student life is scary. Gone are the days of falling asleep in class back benches knowing that the class toppers would cover for you. Who thought 'what do you wish to be when you grow up' could be a real question with a real deadline? Bringing large companies at one place, with their aim only to hire the fresh graduates could possibly provide some answers. Such was the case this year at the 1st National Career Fair-2014 at BICC, 6th March –organized by Daffodil University.

March 5, 2014
March 5, 2014

How the successful ones do it

We are clearly at an ‘era of post-post-feminism’, so it can be safely said that men and women are different in some ways. Some of these can be noticed at the workplace. Hence, one can simply ask: Do women lead differently?

February 26, 2014
February 26, 2014

Writers to inspire you

In the twenty first century, we are seeing people become famous overnight because of what they write. Writers have the power to inflict huge chaos in societies and also bring in immense joy. Aspiring writers' more often than not, tend to look over at the works of well-known writers for inspiration, and try to emulate ideas from there into their own works.
