I often find people uninterested in reading. And if I do find fellow readers, I often hear complaints about reading issues, mentioning that they could read for hours during younger years. This might be a sign that you think it’s a chore and reading inefficiently, and I hope to help you overcome that.
Disclaimer: Everyone is different. My experiences and knowledge may not address your issues, nor might the methods suit you.
Ting, tok, tung, bakaww, wheeeu, *insert various other noises* – all just tools for music. However, it sounds like a disaster in a barn
Take a moment to pick a book, preferably in English. Then, search “*name of your book* review” on Google. One of the very first things you'll see are the ratings on a website called “Goodreads”, the Facebook of books.
Sixteen years have passed since the release of “Saturate”, and like aged wine, Breaking Benjamin's music has matured beautifully. That notion is quite obvious as soon as you listen to the album that came out this year on April 13: Ember.
Goals are a work of art. The blood, sweat and tears that go into them really give them a whole new beauty. However, in this World Cup, I had found beauty in something else: football fouls. You see, goals still maintain a linear procedure: shoot, score, cheer. But fouls? They're ever-changing. Goals may be art, but fouls are life.
Billions of faces I see, Billions of lives, breathe, The sound of all their souls drifting through.
Music is a focal point of this movie, so the first thing I'd like to comment on is the incredible soundtrack. It's catchy as hell, well-composed, and meshes in with the movie beautifully. It even assists with the story progression both subtly and openly. In fact, it's so good that “Remember Me”, which is a song that is played frequently in various different scenarios in the
I apologise for the muffled noise in the closet; I had to tie up every scientist in the world before embarking on this article. Anyway, let's pretend we've all lost our sense of logic and basic knowledge of EVERYTHING for a while, and talk about what your Earth-shape preference says about you.
“Yo dude, have you heard this *insert band name* song?” a friend asks you. You sweat nervously as you put a song on pause. It's a song of a band you've been listening to for a while. You hope no one ever finds out that 'a while' means the last one month because they have seven studio albums, five EPs, two live albums, four acoustic sessions and fifteen hidden singles. Sometimes you wonder why you bother
Has it been a while since the last time you sat down, closed off the world, turned up the volume, and paid attention to everything an album has to tell you? Good, 'cause you'll be doing that today, hopefully,
The New Year's hype of getting fit is long gone and you've found that you're one of the few who actually managed to maintain their resolutions as habit. You slowly discover more people in the same situation and it raises the question: do you work out solo, or in a group? Follow-up question: which works better?
The good news is that home music production is quite prevalent and things aren't as ridiculously difficult as they used to be; analogue recording is the stuff of nightmares. The bad news, however, is that 'correct' music production is still pretty difficult even after shifting to digital recording. As someone who's been in the works for quite a while now, I'd like to give you a very short tour of what's down this rabbit hole.
Good puzzle games are an absolute blessing and “yellow” is an app which delivers such a blessing quite beautifully.
Living in this country, I'm sure you're aware of the existence of “overbridges”. You know, those built for safer road crossing and fewer accidents? No, you're never going to use those because you're a daredevil. Today I'll teach you how to be a proper pedestrian in Bangladesh.
Yet another categorisation of a widely known subject? You betcha. Here are some types of memes.
I think there are two types of critics. The first one is that one moron who has his top so high up his bottom that he forgets that literally no one asked for his opinion (emphasis on OPINION).
She watched the flashing hourglass beside two pink hearts, six hundreds and the number 658.