Ronny Noor

The writer is an English professor and educator at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA.


The police flagged down our driver, who ran a red light on the flyover one cloudy December afternoon. “Didn’t you see the STOP sign?” one of them yelled, as soon as the driver rolled down the window.

3y ago

The Noble Truth

Leaders big and small set no good

4y ago

Not Like This

The wise their moments spare will spend

5y ago

Their Songs

I know a craven Mir Jafar

5y ago


From Paradise gazing, we saw green on your face

6y ago


None can fathom

6y ago

A Life Truly Worth Living

Say this, don't say that.

6y ago

Enduring Life

racing ahead

6y ago
March 16, 2016
March 16, 2016

The Teacher and the Preacher: Lessons of History

Those who are involved in these jihad-inspired terrorist activities are no different from the Pakistani collaborators during the Liberation War in 1971. They wish to turn us again into a subjugated people who will not be able to think for themselves but do the bidding of others.

February 8, 2016
February 8, 2016

The Education Antidote to Violence

In an article titled “The Education Antidote to Radicalisation,” published on December 30, 2015 in The Daily Star, former British Prime Minister...
