I weave Hibiscuses in your hair and Along with them I softly weave the strings of my I love you’s. Your eyes are closed as you soak in my touch and Your lips are pressed thin as if imprisoning yours.
For when you want a book that makes you laugh out loud while also making your stomach go woosh with butterflies
You cannot reach the expansive world of literature quick enough
Sweet cold air finds its way to my lungs,
1 and 3/4 cups of sugar, 2 cups of i-love-you
I weave Hibiscuses in your hair and Along with them I softly weave the strings of my I love you’s. Your eyes are closed as you soak in my touch and Your lips are pressed thin as if imprisoning yours.
For when you want a book that makes you laugh out loud while also making your stomach go woosh with butterflies
You cannot reach the expansive world of literature quick enough
Sweet cold air finds its way to my lungs,