Sajjad Hossain

Reporter, Print/Digital, The Daily Star

Padma Bridge Project: Corrupt yet let off the hook too easily

A government employee has been reinstated to his job after being dismissed for being involved in a fraudulent compensation scheme in the Padma Bridge project.

4d ago

DNCC tears down parts of Sadeeq Agro

Dhaka North City Corporation yesterday knocked down a portion of the farm built illegally by Sadeeq Agro on the land of Ramchandrapur canal in the capital’s Mohammadpur.

6d ago

The Miniket mockery

Defying a ban, millers across the country continue polishing rice excessively and marketing it as “miniket” in the absence of monitoring.

1w ago

The Russell’s viper conundrum

Russell’s viper is not a snake species of a foreign land, rather they have coexisted in the natural ecosystem of the Indian sub-continent for centuries.

1w ago

‘Why fix prices if you can’t enforce it’

Decry customers as govt fails to curb rising cost of essentials

2w ago

Customers feel the heat as spice prices spike

With consumers already feeling the pinch from soaring spice prices, the costs of many items have gone up further just before Eid-ul-Azha.

2w ago

Eid Journey Home: Northbound people suffer

Tens of thousands left Dhaka to celebrate Eid-ul-Azha with their families, with those heading north complaining of a dearth of transport, overcharging by bus operators and long tailbacks.

2w ago

BAT violating tobacco control law

British American Tobacco Company (BAT) has been promoting sales of cigarette, a controlled product, in upscale restaurants and hotels in big cities in a clear violation of tobacco control laws, The Daily Star has found.

3w ago
December 18, 2023
December 18, 2023

Nothing for ‘king’s parties’

Speculation surrounding seat-sharing with lesser-known parties in the upcoming January 7 polls concluded yesterday as the Awami League finalised agreements only with Jatiya Party and three partners from its 14-party alliance.

December 12, 2023
December 12, 2023

Fined, evicted yet in business

An illegal sand business is being run in Char Hogla village under Shambhupura union of Narayanganj by allegedly encroaching a portion of the Meghna.

December 11, 2023
December 11, 2023

BNP human chains foiled in 9 districts

BNP’s first nationwide public event since October 28 was obstructed and foiled by police in nine districts yesterday.

December 9, 2023
December 9, 2023

3 new parties stumble even before election

The newly registered political parties -- the Trinamool BNP, Bangladesh Nationalist Movement (BNM), and Bangladesh Supreme Party -- have fielded only 29 nominees in 18 of Dhaka city’s 20 constituencies.

December 2, 2023
December 2, 2023

Patients bear the brunt of blockades

Sagar Hossain came to Dhaka from Munshiganj with his unwell mother on November 23 to avail treatment for her at Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

November 29, 2023
November 29, 2023

‘Give back our loved ones’

Six-year-old Siyam stood in front of the Jatiya Press Club with his mother yesterday, showing everyone a photo of his father and pleading, “Release my father.”

November 29, 2023
November 29, 2023

More and more people now flocking to OMS trucks

Leaving his chicken shop to his salesman, Abul Kashem rushed to gate-1 of New Market around 11:00am yesterday to buy essentials from a mobile shop of the government’s Open Market Sale programme.

November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023

BNP’s Nayapaltan Office: Abandoned, locked for a month

The BNP office has been abandoned, heavily guarded and padlocked for a month now.

November 27, 2023
November 27, 2023

BNP's Nayapaltan office: Abandoned, locked for a month

The BNP office has been abandoned, heavily guarded and padlocked for a month now.

November 24, 2023
November 24, 2023

Smaller parties planning big

Little-known parties are planning big for the January 7 polls and a number of them are selling nomination forms to anyone willing to buy so that they can field candidates in all 300 constituencies.

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