Serajul Islam Choudhury
Serajul Islam Choudhury is a Bangladeshi public intellectual, and professor emeritus at the University of Dhaka.
Serajul Islam Choudhury is a Bangladeshi public intellectual, and professor emeritus at the University of Dhaka.
It is a rare instance in the world when a country is sending its raw materials—jute in the case of Bangladesh—abroad without utilising it themselves
Isn't there any good news? Of course, there is. But good news doesn't make headlines.
The martyred intellectuals of 1971 had their differences from one another, but they had one thing in common, and that was why they were killed—their patriotism.
What happened in August 1975 was a great tragedy perpetrated by an anti-people clique who did not want Bangladesh to move in the direction its people had desired it to take. The desire embodied a dream and an ideology, and for its fulfilment the people had
I have always been fascinated by writer Abul Mansur Ahmad's boldness and his political consciousness.
The 1917 October Revolution was a watershed moment in history. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels set the philosophical vision for the scientific theory of revolution, and even actively fought for it, but it was Vladimir Lenin under whose stewardship it became a reality.
Who is to blame for the 1947 Partition of India and the large-scale violence that it triggered? There are accusations and recriminations.
An intellectual is a person who tries to understand the world and, not less importantly, to communicate his/her understanding
It is a rare instance in the world when a country is sending its raw materials—jute in the case of Bangladesh—abroad without utilising it themselves
Isn't there any good news? Of course, there is. But good news doesn't make headlines.
The martyred intellectuals of 1971 had their differences from one another, but they had one thing in common, and that was why they were killed—their patriotism.
What happened in August 1975 was a great tragedy perpetrated by an anti-people clique who did not want Bangladesh to move in the direction its people had desired it to take. The desire embodied a dream and an ideology, and for its fulfilment the people had
I have always been fascinated by writer Abul Mansur Ahmad's boldness and his political consciousness.
The 1917 October Revolution was a watershed moment in history. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels set the philosophical vision for the scientific theory of revolution, and even actively fought for it, but it was Vladimir Lenin under whose stewardship it became a reality.
Who is to blame for the 1947 Partition of India and the large-scale violence that it triggered? There are accusations and recriminations.
An intellectual is a person who tries to understand the world and, not less importantly, to communicate his/her understanding
An intellectual is a person who tries to understand the world and, not less importantly, to communicate his/her understanding to others around them.