Sub-editor & Feature Writer, Tech & Startup, The Daily Star
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is a solid popcorn flick that delivers what fans have come to expect.
It is important to keep realistic goals in mind when charting out your New Year's resolutions, especially when it involves your work. Here are some down-to-earth career resolutions you could work towards to boost your professional life - one small step at a time - in 2025.
Transferable skills, a common term in the world of modern job hunting, are best described as proficiencies you can carry from one job to another. If you're considering shifting jobs soon, you should ensure you have sufficiently honed these essential skills, so you stand out as a strong candidate in today’s competitive job market.
We’ve all been there: stuck in a professional meet-up, awkwardly lingering in a corner, unsure of how to jump into a conversation. Here are five practical ice-breakers to help you break the silence and get the conversation flowing.
Switching careers—for both new professionals and seasoned veterans—is a risky decision to take. So, when is the optimal time to consider switching careers?
The growth of AI and digital skills in Bangladesh is creating new opportunities for people with disabilities, offering fresh hope for greater inclusion in the workforce. One such initiative is currently being implemented by the Building Youth Employability Through Skills (BYETS) project of Swisscontact, in collaboration with the Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP).
No matter what step you are in your career, networking can make or break your professional success. But, who should you prioritise on your list?
Despite its recent entry, Honor seems eager to make a statement with the Honor 200, which promises to be a high-end device with near-flagship qualities. Let's take a closer look.
To ensure the next time you aren't stuck when asked questions about unexplained time-offs in your resume, here are some smart ways to explain your employment gap to a potential employer.
If you want to maintain consistently satisfactory job performance and aim for promotions, you need to strike a difficult, but not impossible, balance when living on your own. Here are some simple ways you can do so.
In today's fast-paced competitive workplace, a small positive comment like "Good job" from your employer can go a long way. Inversely, a negative comment can leave you feeling deflated - and repeated instances can even lead to burnout and wanting to quit. However, when approached with the right mindset, both types of feedback can significantly contribute to professional development.
August 5. The day the student-led mass protests did the unthinkable in toppling the previous regime, with the aspiration to build back the country from the ground up - one brick at a time.
Whether you were suddenly let go of your previous job or looking to start anew, job hunting in your 30s can be an especially difficult experience. Here is a quick breakdown of some challenges and strategies you should be aware of when looking for a new job in your 30s.
Amid an urge to return to normalcy, you wouldn't be shamed for feeling a bit overwhelmed. Unfortunately, whether we feel ready or not, we have to return to work. The bills don't pay themselves, after all.
While your first paychecks might seem like a ticket to financial freedom, your current financial habits will impact your future. Instead of spending it all on a shopping spree, consider saving some of that money. Here's 'why' and 'how' you should go about saving up your first full-time paychecks.
Nvidia's recent meteoric rise provides a compelling example of the power of capitalising on current market trends. Let’s take a look at how capitalising on market trends can be the secret sauce to your startup’s success.
With AI gaining popularity across various workplaces, there arises a demand for skilled professionals capable of effectively operating AI models to yield the most desirable outcomes. Moreover, beyond these roles, there is a growing need for positions that AI simply cannot replicate, owing to its inherently non-human nature.
For years, gaming in Bangladesh was seen as a waste of time -- often dismissed as a frivolous activity or a distraction from more “serious” pursuits. Traditional societal norms placed little value on gaming, perceiving it as an endeavour devoid of any real-world benefits.