Estiak Ahmed Sajit is currently a third-year student at Khulna University. In 2007, his family was forcibly displaced from Rajbari to Keraniganj due to river erosion.
A new UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report has warned that if current policies continue, global temperatures could rise by a catastrophic 3.1°C by the end of this century
Study says it could have critical implications for water resources, agricultural practices
While the marriage of underage girls in Bangladesh receives widespread attention, the early marriage of boys often goes unnoticed, despite the fact that the trend of boys marrying underage is increasing rapidly..According to data published by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the
A recent study has identified 25 photo events of the Burmese Red Serow, a rare species of goat-antelope locally known as “bon chhagol”, at Baraiyadhala National Park in Chattogram’s Mirsharai upazila
Jahangirnagar University campus, known for its verdant fields, woods, and waterbodies, has lost nearly 40 percent of its waterbodies over the last three and a half decades.
'Brown Blotched Bengal Tree Frog' has been found in Bangladesh for the first time
It will be supported by the recent improvement of the current account balance to modest surpluses partly reflecting ongoing import restrictions, narrowing financial account deficits as business uncertainties gradually ease following the conclusion of the general elections in January, it said.
Estiak Ahmed Sajit is currently a third-year student at Khulna University. In 2007, his family was forcibly displaced from Rajbari to Keraniganj due to river erosion.
A new UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report has warned that if current policies continue, global temperatures could rise by a catastrophic 3.1°C by the end of this century
Study says it could have critical implications for water resources, agricultural practices
While the marriage of underage girls in Bangladesh receives widespread attention, the early marriage of boys often goes unnoticed, despite the fact that the trend of boys marrying underage is increasing rapidly..According to data published by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the
A recent study has identified 25 photo events of the Burmese Red Serow, a rare species of goat-antelope locally known as “bon chhagol”, at Baraiyadhala National Park in Chattogram’s Mirsharai upazila
Jahangirnagar University campus, known for its verdant fields, woods, and waterbodies, has lost nearly 40 percent of its waterbodies over the last three and a half decades.
'Brown Blotched Bengal Tree Frog' has been found in Bangladesh for the first time
It will be supported by the recent improvement of the current account balance to modest surpluses partly reflecting ongoing import restrictions, narrowing financial account deficits as business uncertainties gradually ease following the conclusion of the general elections in January, it said.
The last time they all spent quality time together was at a friend's wedding in 1991
Pottery, a craftsmanship with a heritage of hundreds of years in Bengal, is gradually approaching oblivion.