Tahseen Nower Prachi

In another life, I’d still live as her

I've lived as her;/ I've known my mother’s plight.

3m ago

Muse of Melodies

Eurydice, his beloved,  lost to the shades, In the underworld's depths,  where darkness pervades.

8m ago


I remember the wallowing hole inside of my chest, / hollow and bleeding

8m ago

Discussion on power inequalities

As the guests arrived, the room brightened up and a conversation began that would eventually go on to deeply invest in exploring the nature of power and of defiantly opposing the status quo.

10m ago

Rebellion in words: Contemporary feminist books

Women have been fighting for their rights for centuries now, and the world is yet to facilitate that kind of equality. But it has not stopped them from trying to bring down the shackles of patriarchy.

1y ago

24 hours, granted

I spent the whole day running on the roads near Ramna park. Riding a bicycle alone through the narrow alleys of Mohammadpur without the fear of anyone jumping out at me from the corners.

1y ago

Apps to help boost your creativity

If you're stuck in a creative block, you could try out these apps to boost your creative gears.

1y ago

How to be a stunner at work and university presentations

Delivering a presentation in classrooms or workplaces comes with various challenges. Here's a few key things to keep in mind.

1y ago
April 23, 2021
April 23, 2021

Tech trends to go green: Sustainability initiatives that might just save the Earth

April 22nd, celebrated worldwide as Earth Day, subtly reminds us that the world needs to change if it is to survive. The term ‘Going Green’ is not limited to only planting more trees anymore (though equally important),

April 2, 2021
April 2, 2021

5 inspiring figures you probably didn’t know were diagnosed with autism

People with Autism Spectrum Disorders are still stereotyped as ‘disabled’ by many. But here’s proof that being diagnosed with ASD or Asperger Syndrome can hardly stop them from accomplishing wonders. From science to silver screens, they have marked excellence in every sphere.

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